启用【Enable JavaScript Queries】和【Enable Inline JavaScript Queries】选项,以允许在 DataView 中使用 JavaScript 查询。 将【Date Format】选项设置为yyyy-MM-dd,这将确保日期以“年-月-日”的格式显示,更符合我们的使用习惯。 同时,将【Date + Time Format】选项设置为yyyy-MM-dd HH:MM:ss,以便在需要同时显...
let match; while ((match = regex.exec(content)) !== null) { const { groups: { date, time, name, link, tag} } = match; matchesArray.push({date, time, name, link, tag}); // 将匹配信息作为对象推入数组 } dv.table([ "date", "time", "name", "tag", "link"], matchesArray....
file.cday Date The date that the file was created. file.mtime Date with Time The date that the file was last modified. file.mday Date The date that the file was last modified. file.tags List A list of all unique tags in the note. Subtags are broken down by each level, so #Tag...
System Date and Time summary:You can set your Plesk server date and time manually. You can also set up automatic synchronization with Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers to make sure that the date and time on your server is always correct. ...
System Date and Time summary:You can set your Plesk server date and time manually. You can also set up automatic synchronization with Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers to make sure that the date and time on your server is always correct. ...
#{{title}}{{date}}是个**好日子**,特别是{{time}}更是特别! 我在020-Dailies[2]目录中创建文件我今天的故事。此时,我只需按下快捷热键Ctrl+P开启命令面板。为了加快搜寻速度,不妨键入“模板”二字,插入模板命令随即脱颖而出。键入Enter加以确认。
localtime函数 localtime(date)函数用于将固定时区中的日期转换为当前时区中的日期。 `= localtime(date(now))` %% 9:07 下午 - 5 04, 2024 %% meta函数 meta(link)函数用于获取链接的元数据信息,它返回一个对象包含以下几个属性: display链接的别名,如果没有提供则为null,示例:meta([[打造极致体验笔记:Tem...
Obsidian plugin allowing to insert the current date and time in YAML frontmatter on file creation (which is otherwise not possible). If you use the Templater plugin and you create a new note based on a template which happens to include a YAML frontmatter, the plugin updates the frontmatter...
日期(Date): ISO8601 标准定义的通用日期格式 YYYY-MM[-DDTHH:mm:ss]. 月份后面的内容都是可选的。 时间段(Duration): 时间段的格式为 <time> <unit>, 就像 6 hours 或者4 minutes。支持常见的英文缩写如6hrs 或者2m。 链接(Link): 普通的Obsidian 链接如 [[Page]] 或者[[Page|Page Display]]。 列表...
Day Planner Day planning from a task list in a Markdown note with enhanced time block functionality. Review Add a link to the current note to a daily note on a future date (or a past date, you time traveller). Hider Hide UI elements such as tooltips, status, titlebar and more. Minim...