点击文件date-and-time.lua,选择 你的文本源(这里选择你OBS的自己命名的来源) ,点击关闭即可。 则,在预览界面可看到如下: 5.注意 在 添加脚本 和选择 文本源 之前,来源先创建好 文本源 本文由长沙头条作者上传并发布,长沙头条仅提供信息发布平台。文章仅代表作者个人观点,不代表同城头条立场,未经作者许可,不得转...
Ragowit submitted a new resource: Date and Time - Sets a text source to act as a date/time text when the source is active. Sets a text source to act as a...
OBSで使用できる日時をリアルタイム表記できる時計 / Date and time clock for OBS - liruk/OBS-DateTimeClock
cmake: Specify NOMINMAX all the time on Windows 5个月前 libobs libobs: Do not lock sources mutex unnecessarily 2个月前 plugins obs-nvenc: Fix lookahead depth value logging 1个月前 shared bpm: Fix potential null-pointer dereference
如果您发现转存的日志数量不对,请向“函数工作流”服务提工单,增大执行超时时间。 * url :https://cdn.myhuaweicloud.com/v1.0/cdn/logs(CDN日志下载的url)。 * domain_name :xxx.com(需要转存日志的CDN加速域名)。 * obsAddress :xxx.com(用于存日志的OBS桶域名)。
Here is a list of all the format options for the date and time line. link to update format options Clock.html code as of Jan 24, 2022 Updated code as of Oct 6, 2022 Code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> ...
12. time = time.time() 13. time = int(time) 14. time = str(time) 15. 16. # 计算签名 17. httpMethod = 'GET' 18. contentType = '' 19. Conten**5 = '' 20. date = datetime.utcnow().strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT') ...
IP communication in real-time data acquisition and a variety of equipment, the integration organization and management of multiple, heterogeneous navigation and positioning data can provide more safety date services for business flow and other function modules of the OBS navigation and positioning system...
function TimeFormat( time, notrim ) if time == nil then return function delta_time(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) local now = os.time() if (year == -1) then year = os.date("%Y", now) end local trim = ( timer_trim == 1 ) local hour, minutes, seconds, mili = ...
请问各位大佬在不双开obs的情况下可以做到吗。 分享3赞 obs吧 凌乱的徘徊无悔 obs一点推流就报错,看别的帖子说重安一下vc2013Unhandled exception: c0000005 Date/Time: 2020-08-04, 15:46:00 Fault address: 7FEF8D7C387 (c:\windows\system32\vcruntime140.dll) libobs version: 25.0.8 (64-bit) ...