此语法也适用于不使用 Delta Lake 格式的表,DROPADD或者RENAME通过使用ALTER TABLE语句快速分区。 PARTITIONED BY PARTITIONED BY子句指定了新表分区依据列的列表。 语法 PARTITIONED BY ( { partition_column [ column_type ] } [, ...] ) parameters ...
ALTER TABLE (ALTER|CHANGE) COLUMN cannot change collation of type/subtypes of bucket columns, but found the bucket column <columnName> in the table <tableName>.CANNOT_ALTER_PARTITION_COLUMNSQLSTATE: 428FRALTER TABLE (ALTER|CHANGE) COLUMN is not supported for partition columns, but found the ...
{ { [CREATE OR] REPLACE TABLE | CREATE [EXTERNAL] TABLE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] } table_name [ table_specification ] [ USING data_source ] [ table_clauses ] [ AS query ] } table_specification ( { column_identifier column_type [ column_properties ] } [, ...] [ , table_constrai...
ALTER STREAMING TABLE [[<catalog>.]<database>.]<name> ADD [SCHEDULE [REFRESH] CRON '<cron-string>' [ AT TIME ZONE '<timezone-id>' ]]; 例如refresh 排程查詢,請參閱 ALTER STREAMING TABLE。追蹤refresh 的狀態您可以透過在 Delta Live Tables UI 中檢視管理串流 table 的管線,或者檢視 DESCRIBE ...
ALTER TABLE table_name ALTER COLUMN column_name SET DEFAULT default_expression Syntax Copy { ADD [ COLUMN | COLUMNS ] ( { { column_identifier | field_name } data_type [ COLLATE collation_name ] [ DEFAULT clause ] [ COMMENT comment ] [ FIRST | AFTER identifier ] [ MASK clause ] } ...
{ { [CREATE OR] REPLACE TABLE | CREATE [EXTERNAL] TABLE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] } table_name [ table_specification ] [ USING data_source ] [ table_clauses ] [ AS query ] } table_specification ( { column_identifier column_type [ column_properties ] } [, ...] [ , table_constraint ]...
ANALYZE TABLE - analyzeTable - change type with compute stats column options - SUPPORTED in Contributed Harness VACUUM - vacuumTable - change type with retentionHours parameter (default is 168) - SUPPORTED in Contributed Harness ALTER CLUSTER KEY - alterCluster - change type that will be used unt...
一个表一次只能触发一个数据加载。系统默认自动识别字典编码列中的high cardinality column,将不会为这些列生成全局字典,具体请参考配置参考。 前提条件 表必须已经存在。 用户应属于数据加载组以执行数据加载操作。默认情况下,数据加载组被命名为“ficommon”。
Disable partition column type inference. ... Last updated: January 22nd, 2025 by shubham.bhusate NO SUCH CATALOG EXCEPTION error when trying to create row filters Specify the function location when you use the ALTER TABLE command to apply a row filter on a table. ... Last updated: January...
表屬性是鍵-值對,您可以在執行CREATE TABLE或CREATE VIEW時初始化。 您可以使用或SET,ALTER TABLE現有或ALTER VIEW新的或現有的資料表屬性。 您可以使用資料表屬性來標記數據表,其中包含 SQL 未追蹤的資訊。 數據表選項 數據表選項的目的是將記憶體屬性傳遞至基礎記憶體,例如SERDE屬性至Hive。