针对您遇到的错误 "fatal: database 'postgres' does not exist",这个问题通常出现在尝试连接到PostgreSQL数据库时,但指定的数据库(在这个例子中是'postgres')不存在于数据库中。以下是一些解决步骤,您可以按照这些步骤来排查和解决问题: 1. 确认错误消息来源与上下文 首先,确认这个错误是在哪个应用程序或脚本中产生...
postgres@test:~$ psql psql: FATAL: database"postgres"does not exist 处理方式: 方式一:psql终端执行:(这里是指:用类似Navicat工具连接执行,或者以psql template1临时用户连接) 然后执行如下命令。 CREATE USER postgres SUPERUSER; select usenamefrompg_user; 方式二:用知道的用户进入数据库【这里以搭建odoo d...
postgres@test:~$ psql psql: FATAL: database"postgres"does not exist 处理方式: 方式一:psql终端执行:(这里是指:用类似Navicat工具连接执行,或者以psql template1临时用户连接) 然后执行如下命令。 CREATE USER postgres SUPERUSER; select usenamefrompg_user; 方式二:用知道的用户进入数据库【这里以搭建odoo d...
Postgresql operator does not exist: numeric = character varying 2019-12-20 19:59 −select cast(series_id as varchar(64)),series_name from svcm_t_series_res; 原来series_id是numeric型,现在转换为varchar(64);... 小泉哥 0 5901 postgres —— 窗口函数入门 ...
Learn how to solve the common PostgreSQL error psql: FATAL: database "root" does not exist." New PostgreSQL users often encounter this error when first logging in to PostgreSQL.
MessageText: database "sampledb" does not exist File: postinit.c Line: 875 Routine: InitPostgres|{4262820c-ec1a-4f47-a48e-feedcccf366b}:133235094305210470 Further technical details Npgsql version: 7.0.2 PostgreSQL version: 13.6 Operating system: Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS ...
A PostgreSQL Fatal error like role or username does not exist. This is a very common error which is facing by PostgreSQL Users. Actually, this is happening because of misconfiguration of System username and Database Username. Most of the Linux users are trying to log in PostgreSQL using root...
在Navicat Premium中出现"ERROR: column “datlastsysoid” does not exist"错误通常是由于Navicat版本与PostgreSQL版本不兼容导致的。"datlastsysoid"列在较新版本的PostgreSQL中被删除了,但Navicat Premium使用的是较旧的查询语句。 要解决这个问题,你可以尝试以下方法: 更新Navicat Premium版本:前往Navicat官网,下载...
I am trying to create a connection whenever my server is restarted(locally). But I get the below error when I am trying to login for the first time, org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: database "config_ka" does not exist And below ...
Postgresql-新建\删除数据库-异常 DETAIL: There are 3 other sessions using the database. 场景描述: 异常1: postgres@f644d67d23c6:~$ psql psql: FATAL: database"postgres"does not exist 解决方式:Navicat连接数据库,执行: CREATE USER postgres SUPERUSER;...