create database [if not exists] 数据库的名字 create database user1; 1. 2. 注:if not exists,是否覆盖创建,如果不省略则覆盖创建。 删除数据库 drop database [if exists] 数据库的名字 drop database user1; 1. 2. 注:if exists,不管数据库是否存在,都执行成功。 查询当前操作的数据库 select data...
# CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS testdb default charset utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; if __name__ == "__main__": py_sql = PyPostgres() py_sql.connect(host='', user ='postgres', passwd='admin', db = 'postgres', port = 6432) sql = 'drop table if exists public.memb...
...初始化数据库 在postgres用户下运行initdb命令即可初始化数据库 initdb ? 此时,postgresql数据目录下已经生成对应的文件。...创建表、索引、并插入数据 gjc=# create table test1(id int not null primary key,name varchar(20),age int ); CREATE
create user 用户名 password '密码'; #设置只读权限 alter user 用户名 set default_transaction_read_only = on; #设置可操作的数据库 grant all on database 数据库名 to 用户名; #授权可操作的模式和权限 -- 授权 grant select on all tables in schema public to 用户名; ...
You have to provide the following information whenever possible. Describe what's wrong CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS db1 ENGINE = MaterializedPostgreSQL('', 'x', 'rw_user', 'xxx'); SHOW TABL...
it first check if the database exists or not, if not it create the database otherwise do nothing, and then additionally the script ensuring the extensions are createdCREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS ...;and after that finally the actual migration script got executed and run themigratefunction fr...
📝PostgreSQL 支持在CREATE DATABASE、CREATE TABLE、CREATE INDEX 以及 ADD CONSTRAINT 语句中指定 tablespace_name 选项,覆盖默认的表空间(pg_default);也可以使用相应的 ALTER … 语句将对象从一个表空间移到另一个表空间。查看表空间系统视图 pg_catalog.pg_tablespace 中包含了所有表空间的信息:SELECT...
If no database exists when Postgres spins up in a container, it’ll create a default database for you. While this process unfolds, that database won’t accept any incoming connections. Working with a pre-existing database is best when using Docker Compose to start up multiple services. Oth...
CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS ${spring.liquibase.default-schema};的${}语法表示的占位符的变量。Pre-...