Cigarette smoking is dangerous at any exposure, and there is no safe amount. As far as tobacco usage goes, cigarette smoking is the most prevalent. Waterpipe tobacco, smokeless tobacco, cigars, cigarillos, roll-your-own tobacco, pipe tobacco, bidis, and kreteks are other tobacco products avai...
Alcohol and smoking should be banned if roids are. Roids promote good living because you need to workout to see results with. bsf labs April 23, 2015 - 13:07 I just want to inform those people who said steroids are not good for health and it’s stop your growing height and it’s...
I think it can be related that i was doing some cleaning of the internal organs at that time. I've been reading through the comments here and i plan on doing the following things: 1. No alcohol and smoking; 2. Smaller amounts of sweet stuff (sugar, candies, sodas); 3. I eat ...
I think it can be related that i was doing some cleaning of the internal organs at that time. I've been reading through the comments here and i plan on doing the following things: 1. No alcohol and smoking; 2. Smaller amounts of sweet stuff (sugar, candies, sodas); 3. I eat ...