所以车祸中Gatsby对于Daisy的保护,可以说是处于维系感情,也可以看成是对于自己在被拆穿后一种自尊心受损的一种弥补和掩盖。Gatsby对于成就的渴望值得赞许,但对于表面浮华上的盲目满足却显得幼稚和无知。至于后来要求Daisy说出只爱过他一个人,则暗示了他内心的懦弱和对自己的怀疑。当Daisy提出要run away, Gatsby表现出...
这里第一句话是Great Gatsby 讲的。这两位爱上Daisy的, Tom和Gatsby, 都是alpha man(占统治地位的男人,大男子主义者),非常dominant male figure(占主导地位的形象),都很有自己的主见。这时候Gatsby 讲“你重来没有爱过Tom, 你只爱过我”, Daisy ...
如同GATSBY凝望的GREEN LIGHT一样遥远,一盏绿色型号灯代表的是HOPE,是JAY对于贵族的渴望,但是他碰不到...
had a grand vision for his life and Daisy’s part in it.”则透露了结局的感伤。但这也是Gatsby...
- 盖茨比(Jay Gatsby):主人公,一个富有而神秘的年轻人,为了重获失去的爱情而竭尽全力。 - 莎黛丽(Daisy Buchanan):盖茨比的旧情人,来自上层社会的女性,她是小说中的关键角色。 - 尼克·卡拉威(Nick Carraway):小说的叙述者和旁观者,被描述为一个有故事的人,也是盖茨比和莎黛丽的中间人。 - 汤姆·布坎南(Tom...
aIn The Great Gatsby Jay Gatsby shows remarkable loyalty for his love of Daisy. Despite her being married to Tom, Gatsby still clings on to the remnants of his past love. This is largely idealistic for the most part since love is described as something unfaltering and undiminishing. This id...
फ़ोटो फ़ोटो जोड़ें कहानी बदलाव करें उपयोगकर्ता समीक्षाएं समीक्षा करने वाले पहले व्यक्ति...
Jay Gatsby's ideal woman, Daisy Buchanan, in the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. ―Dray 3/20/20064 I really like the name Daisy. But I think of it more as a cartoon name. No offense. But I think of it as a pure name also....
TheCharacterofDaisyinTheGreatGatsby The character of Daisy Buchanan has many instances where her life and love of herself, money, and materialism come into play.Daisy is constantly portrayed as someone who is only happy when things are being given to her and circumstances are going as she has ...