When Gatsby saw Daisy, he assumed that everything would fall back into place and be as it was before he went off to war. His imagination of Daisy tried to recreate what he and Daisy had in the past and he thought it would become his reality. Gatsby wanted to change his life from ...
And as I sat there brooding on the old, unknown world, I thought of Gatsby’’s wonder when ...
我看完这部小说的一段时间里,曾经一想到Gatsby就一阵惆怅。 小说中,作者也对“念念不忘”做了一定的解释。Gatsby与Daisy曾有一段刻骨铭心的恋情,但Gatsby不得不因为战事而远走他乡。在遥远的异国,炮火纷飞的战场上,战友生离死别,死亡随时在身边回响。他不能表现出脆弱,他不能向孤独屈服,他不能向命运投降,因此...
Gatsby’slovefor Daisy is really just his love of their past relationship. Both Daisy and Gatsby long for the relationship they had five years ago, and don’t seem to understand that their relationship can never go back to how it was. As a result of Gatsby’s love for Daisy, he ...
In this flashback, narrated by Jordan, we learn all about Daisy's past and how she came to marry Tom, despite still being in love with Jay Gatsby. In fact, she seems to care about him enough that after receiving a letter from him, she threatens to call off her marriage to Tom. How...
After five long years, Jay Gatsby has faith that he can rekindle his romance with Daisy, recreate the past, and persuade her to leave her husband. In the book, Nick Carraway puts together that the last time Gatsby saw Daisy wasfive years before. ...
aGatsby pursues of money, but he does not take money as the ultimate goal. He only wants to realize his dream of love by means of money. And Daisy‟s preference for wealth is far better than in the pursuit of love. So Gatsby‟s dream seems wonderful, and he himself does his best...
___A. He comes from a lower class family.B. Gatsby's past seems to be a mystery.C. Gatsby and Wolfsheim are not business partners.D. He believes Daisy never loved Tom.(4)Bruno has the tattoo Carpe Diem on his right forearm because he wants to___.A. give up the opportunity...