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Explore what is cytoskeleton only at BYJU'S. Also learn about its structure and functions in detail.
Enterocyte cytoskeleton: its structure and function - Keller, Mooseker - 1991 () Citation Context ...tin filaments extending into the region from the overlying microvilli. In the circumferential ring subdomain, myosin II filaments can interact with anti-parallel actin filaments to constrict the ring...
Intracellular compartmentation, structure and function of creatine kinase isoenzymes in tissues with high and fluctuating energy demands: the “phosphocreatine circuit” for cellular energy homeostasis Biochem. J., 281 (Pt 1) (1992), pp. 21-40 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [10] Y. Capetan...
The Exo70 subunit of the Exocyst is an effector for both Cdc42 and Rho3 function in polarized exocytosis. Mol Biol Cell , 2010 , 21: 430 -442 CrossRef PubMed Google Scholar [13] Mei K, Li Y, Wang S, et al. Cryo-EM structure of the exocyst complex. Nat Struct Mol Biol ...
Then, the role of cilia and basal bodies in both canonical and non-canonical Wnt signaling will be examined; focusing more specifically on their association with cytoskeletal regulation. The Cilium - Structure and Function Cilia are microtubule-based organelles, extending from the plasma membrane and...
et al. Centriole disassembly in vivo and its effect on centrosome structure and function in vertebrate cells. J. Cell Biol. 143, 1575–1589 (1998). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Abal, M., Keryer, G. & Bornens, M. Centrioles resist forces applied on centrosomes ...
DNA nanotubes are a nice example of the trajectory from structure17 to function12,13,14, recently progressing towards mimics of cytoskeletons16,18. Our study has outlined DNA-based cytoskeleton mimics and their operation in cell-sized confinement. Such filaments can undergo dynamic assembly and ...
Function: cytoskeleton involved in cell shape maintaining, cell organelle localization and cell motility 2 5、 Microfilament, MF 1 Microtubule, MT 3 Intermediate filaments, IFs 1.1 Microtubule Structure 1.2 Microtubule Polymerization 1.3 Microtubule Function 2.1 Microfilament Structure 2.2 Microfilament ...
Further work is necessary to better delineate the regulatory relationships between known key regulators of vascular function and endothelial cell structural elements. 机译:摘要:血管内皮不是惰性的,而是血管功能的关键调节剂。内皮细胞参与自分泌,旁分泌和内分泌信号传导时,它还从细胞表面转导涉及关键细胞结构...