城市英文名称 : Cythera 州或国家代码 : GRC 国家中文名 : 希腊 国家英文名 : Greece 城市所在纬度 : 36°20'00.00"N 城市所在经度 : 22°58'00.00"E
Eleni Karaindrou (Greek: ΕλένηΚαραΐνδρου) is a Greek composer, born in the village of Teichio (Tichio) in Phocis, Central Greece, on November 25, 1941. She is best known for scoring the films of the Greek director Theo Angelopoulos 曲目· ··· Adagio (Paisaje...
An old communist returns to Greece after 32 years in the Soviet Union. However, things aren't the way he had hoped for. Read more: Plot summary | Synopsis Director Theodoros Angelopoulos Writers Theodoros Angelopoulos (screenplay) (idea) | Thanassis Valtinos (screenplay) | Tonino Guerra (...
PHILOXENUS,of Cythera (435-380 B.e.), Greek dithyrambic poet. On the conquest of the island by the Athenians he was taken as a prisoner of war to Athens, where he came into the possession of the dithyrambic poet Melanippides, who educated him and set him free. Philoxenus afterwards r...
简而言之,这正如卡兰卓(Eleni Karaindrou)——我们这个时代最具说服力与表现力的希腊作曲家的音乐。除了传说中发明笛子的半人半羊的希神“潘”和六十年代现代主义作曲家Iannis Xenakis外,希腊真正提供给世界的杰出音乐家寥寥无几——尽管有Vangelis这样的电子先锋及一大批走红于国际舞台的New Age音乐家,在希腊人的...