威廉• 亨特《世界之光》 The light of the world William Hunt 1853 亨特取材自《圣经》的名作《世界之光》,是维多利亚时代基督教的定义性图画。画中基督手持蜡烛现身曙光之中,敲击一扇荆棘丛生的紧闭的门。充满宗教圣洁感的两重光明,良知之光唤醒良知,安宁之光拯救灵魂。强烈的感染力和氛围,充满象征情感和超...
博斯《人间乐园》 The Garden of Earthly Hieronymus Bosch 1500 博斯非同反响的大型三联画《人间乐园》:通过透视与风景的衔接,从左至右,描绘了人类从纯美的天堂,途经充满变数与挣扎的人世,逐渐堕落至罪恶地狱的全过程。充满奇幻色彩的想象,对 20 世纪超现实主义有深远影响。 08 乔尔乔内《牧羊人的朝拜》 Adoration ...
艺术作品: 《爱之岛》(The Embarkation for Cythera):由华托创作,描绘了浪漫的田园爱情场景。 《黛安娜出浴》(Diana Bathing):布歇的经典作品,展现洛可可对女性身体之美的赞颂。 +1 发布于 2025-01-16 09:59・IP 属地美国 赞同9 分享收藏 ...
8. ‘The Embarkation for Cythera’ (1717) by Watteau Watteau’s ‘The Embarkation for Cythera’ was Monet’s favourite painting in the Louvre Watteau invented thefête galante, domesticating the pastoral idyll into aristocratic outdoor parties. The easy elegance — lithe, serpentine figures, rustlin...
Embarkation Depot embarkation element (unit) (group) embarkation officer embarkation order Embarkation Order/Officer embarkation organization embarkation papers embarkation phase embarkation plans embarkation team Embarkation to Cythera Embarkation, Movement, Planning, Rehearsal, Assault embarkations embarked embarked...
Embarkation Control Office Embarkation Depot embarkation element (unit) (group) embarkation officer embarkation order Embarkation Order/Officer embarkation organization embarkation papers embarkation phase embarkation plans embarkation team Embarkation to Cythera Embarkation, Movement, Planning, Rehearsal, Assault emb...
Antoine Watteau -The Embarkation for Cythera - c.1717 William Burgis - A North-East View of the Great Town of Boston - c.1723 John Smibert -The Bermuda Group: Dean George Berkeley and His Family - 1729 John Smibert - Daniel, Peter and Andrew Oliver - 1732 ...
of the 18th century promoted the freeing of the French school of art from the dogmas of academicism, which had been planted in the 17th century by C. Le Brun. In 1717, Watteau received the rank of academician for his large paintingEmbarkation for the Island of Cythera(Louvre, Paris). In...
and in 1717 he was made a full member of the Académie royale.The Embarkation for Cythera(1717; Louvre) is characteristic of his art; it is a delicate, courtly fantasy, represented in warm and shimmering pastel tones that place him among the great colorists of all time. A lyric, Giorgione...
30: “In order to make myself understood, I will ask you first if you can visualize Watteau’s Embarkation for Cythera…. In this masterpiece, the action… starts in the foreground on the extreme right and ends in the background shadows, near a bust of Cypris wreathed with roses, is ...