博斯《人间乐园》 The Garden of Earthly Hieronymus Bosch 1500 博斯非同反响的大型三联画《人间乐园》: 通过透视与风景的衔接,从左至右,描绘了人类从纯美的天堂,途经充满变数与挣扎的人世,逐渐堕落至罪恶地狱的全过程。 充满奇幻色彩的想象,对20世纪超现实主义有深远影响。 08 乔尔乔内《牧羊人的朝拜》 Adoration ...
Renoir considered this masterpiece, which entered the Louvre in 1870, the most beautiful painting in the world, along with Watteau's Pilgrimage to the Island of Cythera, also in the Louvre. A young lacemaker, undoubtedly a member of the Delft bourgeoisie, is hunched intently over her work, ...
博斯《人间乐园》 The Garden of Earthly Hieronymus Bosch 1500 博斯非同反响的大型三联画《人间乐园》:通过透视与风景的衔接,从左至右,描绘了人类从纯美的天堂,途经充满变数与挣扎的人世,逐渐堕落至罪恶地狱的全过程。充满奇幻色彩的想象,对 20 世纪超现实主义有深远影响。 08 乔尔乔内《牧羊人的朝拜》 Adoration ...
In the sea behind Cronus, the severed organ bobbed on the water, giving rise to a white foam. From this foam emerged the fully formed goddess of love: Aphrodite (whose name means “out of foam”). Naked and riding on a scallop shell, Aphrodite first touched land on the island of Cyth...
of the lovers. Then they are taken to the island of Cythera by barge, with Cupid as the boatswain; there they see another triumphal procession celebrating their union. The narrative is interrupted, and a second voice takes over, as Polia describes his erotomachia from her own point of ...
Shipping the sculptures to London presented problems. In September the 'Mentor', Elgin's own small brig, sank outside the Island of Cythera with some of the finest sculptures of the Parthenon. On Christmas Eve 1802, Hunt managed to enlist the help of Captain Clarke, commanding the HMS 'Braa...
of the 18th century promoted the freeing of the French school of art from the dogmas of academicism, which had been planted in the 17th century by C. Le Brun. In 1717, Watteau received the rank of academician for his large paintingEmbarkation for the Island of Cythera(Louvre, Paris). In...
Define island-like. island-like synonyms, island-like pronunciation, island-like translation, English dictionary definition of island-like. n. 1. Abbr. Isl. or Is. or I. A landmass, especially one smaller than a continent, entirely surrounded by water. 2
Odysseus journey. Apart from the initial and final places (Troy and Ithaca) the four references agree on only three locations: the location of Ismarus and the Cicones (Thrace, Greece), the location of the Lotus Eaters (the island of Djerba off the coast of Tunisia), and the location of...
2. Something resembling an island, especially in being isolated or surrounded, as: a. An unattached kitchen counter providing easy access from all sides. b. A raised curbed area, often used to delineate rows of parking spaces or lanes of traffic. c. The superstructure of a ship, especially...