The intra and inter-process comparison shows no difference between Fast DDS and Cyclone DDS for any of the payloads considered. This equal throughput result for all DDS implementations is because all implementations are able to support the dataflow of the Apex.AI testing, which fails to push the...
结论 :本地主机和双主机的比较都显示了Fast-RTPS与其他两个实现之间的明显区别。可以看出,Fast-RPTS的平均延迟始终小于其他实现的最小值。重要的是要注意,Fast-RTPS延迟对于更多的有效负载是稳定的,与CycloneDDS或OpenSplice相比,在较大的有效负载中以较小的增加速率增加。在这种情况下,还值得注意的...
By accident (I guess) the types are similar enough that they could communicate, but there is no agreement on the examples between DDS implementations, and so that is pure coincidence. The FastDDS one uses an unsigned int where the Cyclone uses an int, but if you're willing to take risks...
I want to setting up an cyclonedds publisher with a Fast-DDS subscriber, or an Fast-DDS publisher with a cyclonedds subscriber. But it can not discovery each other. Can cyclonedds and Fast-RTPS communicate with each other?
fastdds cyclonedds 中间件 岗位职责: 1、负责汽车智能驾驶系统的嵌入式软件开发; 2、负责汽车智能驾驶系统中间件的软件架构设计和软件开来自BOSS直聘发; 3、能正确分boss析系统需求,根据架构设计实现软件模块和子系统; 4、在产品生命周期内对软件模块和子系统进行调试、测试、维护和故障排除。 任职条件: 1、本科以...
haenpdatrhtieclpesaratnicdleflsuaindds hflauvidesthheavsaemtheeinsalemt veeilnolceittyv.eTlohceitsye.ttTinhge soeftstipnegciofifcsbpoeucnifdicabryouconnddairtyiocnosnadrietisohnoswanreinshToawblne 2in, nToanb-lseli2p, andoina-bsalitpicabdoiaubnadtaicrybocounnddiatrioyncsoanrdeitaidoonps taerde...
HOSTNAMES = ["__Hostname", "dds.sys_info.hostname"] HOSTNAMES = ["__Hostname", "dds.sys_info.hostname", ""] PROCESS_NAMES = ["__ProcessName", "dds.sys_info.executable_filepath"] PIDS = ["__Pid", "dds.sys_info.process_id"] PIDS = ["__Pid",...
TL;DR//I am trying to troubleshoot what appear to be communication issues running ROS2 on QEMU. I tried to build and run the cyclonedds examples, to eliminate at least one layer as my problem source, but the Maven dependency kept me from doing so....
Bug report Required Info: Operating System: macOS 10.14 Ubuntu 18.04 (32bit ARM) Installation type: binary Version or commit hash: Eloquent patch 1 DDS implementation: rmw_cyclonedds_cpp rmw_fastrtps_cpp Client library (if applicable): r...