reporting cybersecurity incidents in respect of the CII and establishing mechanisms and processes for the purposes of detecting cybersecurity threats and incidents as set out in any applicable code of practice; conducting cybersecurity audits of the CII at least once every two years (or at such hi...
Critical information infrastructure (CII) network security protection – 是关键信息基础设施(CII)网络安全保护。 Cross-border data transfer – 是跨境数据转移 Personal data and data protection – 是个人数据和数据保护 Is encrypted data – 是加密数据 ...
Singapore While the Cyber Security Act 201838 regulates cyber security in Singapore in general, the Cybersecurity Code of Practice (CCoP) for Critical Information Infrastructure Systems39 specifically regulates security practices in critical infrastructure industries. To comply with the code, comp...
The second is to revise the legal responsibility system for the security protection of critical information infrastructure (CII). In order to strengthen the responsibility for the security protection of CII, the penalties for illegal acts bycritical information infrastructure operators(CIIOs) have been ...
including before a cybersecurity had occurred. The bill would detail CII owners' responsibilities, which would include providing information on the technical architecture of the CII, carrying out regular risk assessments of the CII, complying with codes of practice, reporting of cybersecurity incidents...
5.4. The Institute of Engineering Technology (IET) Code of Practice for Cybersecurity in the Built Environment (Cop-CSBE) The contents of this framework borrow from three pre-established security attributes, namely, the CIA model [59], the extended Parkerian hexad [58], and the Boyes model ...