Informatics is the science of information, the practice of information processing, and the engineering of information systems. Informatics studies the structure, algorithms, behaviour, and interactions of natural and artificial systems that store, process, access and communicate information, i.e. the com...
The subculture of money slavery or financial domination (FD) is one of the activities that proliferated through the rapid growth of DP websites. Financial domination (FD) involves ‘rinsing’ or the payment of cash, gifts from a computer-based wish list by a money slave to a money mistress ...
Reports about the investigations by the ethics department at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico, against 64 workers suspected of looking up Internet sites containing sexually explicit material during working hours. Code of conduct; Views of Nigel Spicer, president and chief operating...
Accurate information is critical in building cyber resilience. Aon offers a comprehensive suite of assessments that combine cutting-edge technology with analysis by experienced risk professionals. Adversary Simulation Adversary simulation is the practice of security experts impersonating the actions and behavior...
Unmasking the Social Engineer: The Human Element of Security by Christopher Hadnagy Malware Analysis Malware analysis cookbook - tools and techniques for fighting malicious code by Michael Ligh The Art of Memory Forensics by Michael Hale Ligh
Click me to see the sample solution Python Code Editor: More to Come ! Do not submit any solution of the above exercises at here, if you want to contribute go to the appropriate exercise page. Test your Python skills with w3resource'squiz ...
GOAD (Game Of Active Directory)GOAD is a pentest active directory LAB project. The purpose of this lab is to give pentesters a vulnerable Active directory environment ready to use to practice usual attack techniques. GoatseLinuxGSL is a Vmware image you can run for penetration testing purposes....
21. Educate yourself on the signs of identity theft Regularly check your financial statements and be on the lookout for signs of identity theft, like unknown transactions or accounts. Early detection can significantly mitigate the damage. 22. Practice safe shopping habits online Whether you’re shop...
this process requires users to provide two or more forms of identification to authenticate access to their accounts, such as needing a password and an access code sent to a device. Now a best practice protocol for organisations, MFA adds extra layers of cybersecurity to online accounts, making...
IEC. IEC 63154 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems: Cybersecurity - General requirements, methods of testing and required test results. Geneva, Switzerland, 2021 IET. Code of practice: Cyber security for ships. London, UK, 2017.