In addition, Article 51 of the Draft Regulations also provides associated liability for CII operators, third-party professional service organizations and the relevant departments in cases of severe cybersecurity incidents in which such parties are found to be liable. Thus, if a cybersecurity incident ...
[3] Intel.The Cybersecurity Framework in Action:An Intel Use Case[EB/OL].(2014-12-12)[2015-01-15]. 作者:绿盟科技 肖岩军 冯国栋...
Cyber Security Manufacturing Services Banking and Financial Institutions Infrastructure Electronics and IT including gadgets, PC’s, Mobiles List is illustrated Recognition Level CII AWARD FOR CUSTOMER OBSESSION Organisations place Customer First approach in their value chain, to consistently deliver ...
Cybersecurity. Cloud Solutions. Continuous Innovation. IT Support Solutions Serving the Nation, Based in Raleigh, North Carolina Comprehensive IT services and solutions for businesses like yours Learn how to make your business more secure Rely on our 40+ years of business technology experience ...
also commented on his takeaways on Cyber Immunity and its relevance to the military: “The secure information of the military needs to be guardrailed, and Kaspersky’s aim to offer Cyber Immunity is welcome. Being more proactive and not defensive ...
"While each project we're announcing funding for today is quite different, each is critical to our global computing infrastructure and cyber-security. These new grants, combined with the stellar addition of Emily, mean CII is well positioned to address critical infrastructure vulnerabilities in the ...
6) In the case of a rating result of E in any year or a rating of D for 3 consecutive years, it is necessary to fill out a corrective action plan in the SEEMP III and submit it to the Administration or an RO. - Within four months after the end of each calendar year ...
The Draft Regulations reflect the government’s intent to strengthen supervision and governance of CII, which is mainly reflected in the following: a. The government will provide special support to guarantee CII security The Cybersecurity Law sets forth generally that the government will support and ...
, and the need for enhanced preparedness for cyber security, etc., further amplifying the need for digital transformation by Indian corporates for survival in a highly competitive global market. The country’s technology industry is valued at around USD 150 billion, while the Digital India plan ...
There are a number of considerations for insurers in cyber and traditional lines, and many are deep in the process of understanding their embedded cyber risk in non-cyber lines of business. Incidents like this one do underline the potential for cyber extensions in other lines of business to be...