Cyan color hue range<< previous next >>Blue color hue range RedGreenBlueHEXColor NameLumHueSatLigColor 240248255#F0F8FFAlice Blue9720810097 161202241#A1CAF1Baby Blue Eyes782097479 153186221#99BADDCarolina Blue732115073 113166210#71A6D2Iceberg642075263 ...
This pre-release software contains SIGNIFICANT changes, including changes to the Wi-Fi Direct pairing mechanism, rewrites of the I2C sensor classes, changes to the USB/FTDI layer, and the introduction of support for the REV Robotics Expansion Hub and the REV Robotics color-range-light sensor. Th...
The hexadecimal RGB code of Dark Cyan color is #008B8B and the decimal is rgb(0,139,139). The red-green-blue components are 00 (0) red, 8B (139) green and 8B (139) blue.
It is also a secondary color in the RGB color model, formed by the combination of the primary colors blue and green. Blue is a spectral color. It is one of the seven colors of the rainbow and can have a range of shades, from the deep blues of the ocean to the pale blues of the...
fixed– 11(ish) bit fixed point number with -2 to 2 range. Generally used for LDR colours. Is something from the older CG syntax, though all platforms seem to just convert it to half now even in CGPROGRAM. HLSL does not support this but I felt it was important to mention as you’...
(2) this cyan-emitting spectrum shows a decrease in the intensity of the two peaks at 455 nm and 550 nm, indicating the noticeable increase in absorption of the blue part in the range of 380–600 nm; and (3) narrow high-intensity peaks in the range of 600–650 nm stay ...
Green-Cyan color hue range<< previous next >>Cyan-Blue color hue range RedGreenBlueHEXColor NameLumHueSatLigColor 231254255#E7FEFFBubbles9718310095 0255255#00FFFFCyan8718010050 155221255#9BDDFFColumbia Blue8320010080 8232222#08E8DEBright Turquoise791779347 ...