, 56. Special values include xlColorIndexAutomatic (-4105) and xlColorIndexNone (-4142).Examples of the ColorIndex property:xlRange.Value = "excel" xlRange.Interior.ColorIndex = 48 xlRange.Font.ColorIndex = 20 xlRange.Borders.ColorIndex = 3 xlRange.Characters(1, 2).Font.ColorIndex...
RGB color values http://htmlhelp.com/cgi-bin/color.cgiRGB Color ValuesThis chart illustrates some of the different RGB color values that authors may use for font color and background. Note that the color names are only given as an aid; when authoring pages, one should always use the...
RGB cyan colors. Cyan RGB color code Cyan Hex/RGB color code = #00FFFF = 0*65536+255*256+255 = (0,255,255) RED=0, GREEN=255, BLUE=255 Cyan color codes chart ColorHTML / CSSColor NameHex Code#RRGGBBDecimal Code(R,G,B) lightcyan #E0FFFF rgb(224,255,255) cyan #00FFFF rgb(0,...
Here is an interesting piece of code for poping color selection window. */ static void Jimmy_colorsChoose(Args _args) { #DEFINE.COLORVALUE (64) int r, g, b; container chosenColor; Binary customColors = new Binary(#COLORVALUE); CCColor colorValue; ; chosenColor = WinAPI::chooseColor(inf...
var rgb = [ Math.round(pointSample.color.rgb.red), Math.round(pointSample.color.rgb.green), Math.round(pointSample.color.rgb.blue) ]; // Obtain array of rounded CMYK values. var cmyk = [ Math.round(pointSample.color.cmyk.cyan), Math.round(pointSample.color.cmyk.magenta),...
XlRgbColor 枚举 参考 反馈 定义 命名空间: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel 程序集: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll 指定RGB 颜色。 C# 复制 public enum XlRgbColor 继承 Enum XlRgbColor 字段 展开表 名称值说明 rgbBlack 0 黑色 rgbMaroon 128 褐紫红 rgbDarkRed 139 深红色 ...
Cyan 0 255 255 Red 255 0 0 Magenta 255 0 255 Yellow 255 255 0 White 255 255 255The RGB color values returned by this function are incompatible with those used by the Macintosh operating system. They may be used within the context of Microsoft applications for the Macintosh, but should no...
// calculate values for the three axes of the color. double p = bri * (1.0 - sat); double q = bri * (1.0 - (sat * fractionalSector)); double t = bri * (1.0 - (sat * (1 - fractionalSector))); // assign the fractional colors to r, g, and b based on the sector the ...
青色:rgb(0,255,255)紫色:rgb(255,0,255)调整相关数字,便可以得到深浅不一的各种颜色。印刷四分色模式是彩色印刷时采用的一种套色模式,利用色料的三原色混色原理,加上黑色油墨,共计四种颜色混合叠加,形成所谓“全彩印刷”。四种标准颜色是:C:Cyan = 青色,又称为‘天蓝色’或是‘湛蓝’M:Magenta = 品...
Color code and RGB values,/*Popingcolorselectionwindow.Hereisaninterestingpieceofcodeforpopingcolorselectionwindow.*/staticvoidJimmy_colorsChoose(Args_args){#DEFINE.COLORVALUE(64)intr,g,b;containerchosenColor;BinarycustomColors=newBinary(#COLORVALUE);CC