Often used to tile swimming pools, it is the “C” in the CMYK color space and one of the four primary colors used in inkjet printing.Cyan Color Codes CodeValueHTML/CSS Hex 00FFFF #00FFFF RGB 0, 255, 255 rgb(0, 255, 255) HSL 180°, 100%, 50% hsl(180, 100%, 50%) HSV 180...
#00ffff HTML / CSS Code Examples Hex RGB HSL HTML #00ffff foreground Art is the stored honey of the human soul.Theodore Dreiser <p style="color: #0ff">…</p> #00ffff background If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, will answer you: I am here to live...
Hex RGB HSL HTML #e0ffff foreground An artist is not paid for his labor but for his vision.James McNeill Whistler <p style="color: #e0ffff">…</p> #e0ffff background Inspiration does exist but it must find you working.Pablo Picasso <p style="background-color: #e0ffff">…</p> #...
RGB Red Green Blue HSV Hue Saturation Value CMYK Cyan Magenta Yellow Key Quick use Click and Copy the codes below for quick use. Shades & Tints 4682BF3D72A735628F2C51772341601A3148122130091018 4682BF5D92C774A1CF8BB1D7A3C1DFBAD0E7D1E0EFE8EFF7 Complementary Color Cyan-Blue Azure on Wi...
The LED ring on the Xbox360 gamepad and the RGB LED bar on the PS4 gamepad is used to indicate the driver position the gamepad is bound to. The rumble motors on the Xbox360, PS4, and Etpark gamepads can be controlled from OpModes. ...
Aqua, Cyan, Electric Cyan, Spanish Sky Blue #00ffff hex triplet, rgb(0, 255, 255) - color information, gradients, harmonies, schemes, description and conversion in CMYK, RGB, HSL, HSV, CIELAB, CIELUV, XXY, Hunter-Lab
m_levelValueChanged ==false) {/* Value has not changed and this is not an intensity channel. LTP in effect. */continue; }if(qlcch->group() == QLCChannel::Intensity) {if(m_cngType == ClickAndGoWidget::RGB) {if(qlcch->colour() == QLCChannel::Red) ...