Cell | CTLA-4依赖性反馈环的破坏可促进肿瘤相关Treg细胞的过度增殖 杭州普略生物 【Science拆解】肿瘤起始细胞(TIC)形成IL-33-TGF-β信号富集的niche促肿瘤进展 文献拆解... · 发表于CNS深度论文解析 Sci Adv | CRISPR技术有效杀死体内转移性癌细胞 图灵基因 · 发表于前沿分子生物学技术 App 内打开 ...
研究结论 07 本研究揭示了矽肺进程中肺组织CD4+TRM细胞增多,对矽尘具有免疫记忆性与抗原特异性;阐明了CD69与CD103可将CD4+TRM细胞划分为不同功能亚群,其中CD69+CD103+ TRM-Treg更依赖于循环募集,CD69+CD103- TRM-Teff主要为原位增殖;明确了干预CD103+TRM-Treg无法阻抑矽肺纤维化,而通过IL-7信号减少CD69+CD...
Based on canonical marker genes and differentially expressed genes, T cells were further divided into seven subtypes: proliferating T, Treg, CD4+NaiveT, CD8+MAIT, CD8+NaiveT, CD8+Teff, and CD8+Tem (Fig. 2C). KEGG pathway analysis was conducted on the differentially expressed genes for each...
PARSONAGE等发现鼻咽癌肿瘤细胞高表达CXCL16,并以此吸引和定位CXCR6+T细胞,主要是浸润的CD4+T细胞以及辅助性T(Treg)细胞,从而参与抗肿瘤免疫,并影响其临床进展及治疗效果[16]。 2.2 肺癌 周雯慧等发现人肺癌组织和细胞株均高表达CXCR6和CXCL16,外源性CXCL16蛋白可明显促进肿瘤细胞的体外增殖活力和侵袭能力,而CXCL16中...
within the lesion were enhanced. CXCL10-deficient ApoE−/−mice showed reduced atherosclerotic lesions, a decreased accumulation of CD4+T cells, and CXCR3 expression, but Foxp3 regulatory T cell numbers and activity were enhanced as well as increases in Treg-associated cytokines IL-10 and TGF...
浸润的 CD4+T 细胞以及辅助性 T(Treg)细胞,从而参与抗肿瘤免疫,并影响其临床进展及治疗效果 [16] 。 2.2 肺癌 周雯慧等发现人肺癌组织和细胞株均高表达 CXCR6 和 CXCL16,外源性 CXCL16 蛋白可明显促进 肿瘤细胞的体外增殖活力和侵袭能力,而 CXCL16 中和抗体则可有效阻断 CXCL16 蛋白的刺激作用, ...
功能恢复:上调AMH表达,抑制卵泡闭锁;调节FSH受体敏感性,恢复激素平衡。免疫调控:抑制Th17细胞活性,降低IL-17等促炎因子;促进Treg细胞增殖,修复免疫耐受。临床证据:国际多中心研究(NCT03877498)显示,干细胞治疗后患者妊娠率是对照组的4.8倍。 四、三大治疗方案:从科学到临床的精准落地1. 脐带MSCs静脉回输——全身抗衰...
These cells also have features of Treg cells, including production of IL-10 and inhibition of T cell proliferation via CD39 activity. The proportion of circulating CCR6+/CXCR6+ DP8alpha T cells was significantly reduced (P<.0001) within the total population of CD3+ T cells from patients ...
Notably, we also found that ST2+ Treg cells but not ST2- Treg cells suppressed CXCR6+ST2+ mTh2 cell-mediated immune responses. Taken together, these findings show that we identified a mechanism against helminth elicited by a subpopulation of IL-5-producing mTh2 cells through the accumulation ...
Aiduqing Formula Inhibits Breast Cancer Metastasis by Suppressing TAM/CXCL1-Induced Treg Differentiation and Infiltration. Cell Commun. Signal. 2021, 19, 89. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Lopez-Bujanda, Z.A.; Haffner, M.C.; Chaimowitz, M.G.; Chowdhury, N.; Venturini, N.J.; Patel, R.A...