curve on surface —create an interpolated curve through a set of points on a surface 在我们规定的曲面上划多段线,那么注意了,设置的点是不一定要在曲面上的,相当于投影的形式,这个非常好用,不会也要主要提供点在面上的UV值。 geodesic—construct a surface geodesic between two points 找出其表面上两点...
I have a simple question. When I try to use the curve on surface component I am selecting a surface (tried both referencing from rhino and from grasshopper) and for the uv input i am selecting two points on opposite edges of the surface. Every time I get an error which simply reads, ...
50409曲面曲线Curve On Surface 810 播放 舜婉静 用工作去迎接光明。 收藏 下载 分享 手机看 选集(30) 自动播放 [1] 讲在教程之前(可不看) 1309播放 07:18 [2] 10101设置点Point 1211播放 02:50 [3] 10102设置向量Vector 1175播放 01:16 [4] 10103设置圆Circle ...
I have a simple question. When I try to use the curve on surface component I am selecting a surface (tried both referencing from rhino and from grasshopper) and for the uv input i am selecting two points on opposite edges of the surface. Every time I get an error which simply reads, ...
CurveOnSurface 插件提供如下两个指令,支持建构历史,方便持续创建、修改指定曲面上的曲线 CurveOnSurface: 这个指令的功能等同 InterCrvOnSrf,不同的是创建的线可以使用下面这个指令来重新编辑 CurveOnSurfacePtOn:再次编辑上一个指令创建的曲面上的曲线 安装方法 下载插件 (food4Rhino 网站下载请点击这里,本地下载请点...
Tangent Curve)进一步丰富了曲线的表现力,允许用户根据需要调整曲线的平滑度和方向性。在曲面工作时,曲面上曲线(Curve On Surface)和提取曲面的结构线(Isocurve)是关键工具,用于优化和分析复杂曲面结构。测地线(Geodesic)在曲面上两点之间找到最短路径,对于路径规划和曲面分析具有重要意义。
surface: 与面有关的几何物体有7种,分别对应上图。 surface(Nurbs曲面)。 brep(多重曲面,可以拾取nurbs曲面、多重曲面以及实体(除网格))。 mesh(网格)(ps:3DMAX和su即为经典的网格建模软件,这类软件中并不存在真正的曲面,mesh建模软件里的曲线和曲面是由小面以及碎线拼合而成的。)。 mesh face:网格中的单元...
helix,spiral- a curve that lies on the surface of a cylinder or cone and cuts the element at a constant angle perversion- a curve that reverses the direction of something; "the tendrils of the plant exhibited perversion"; "perversion also shows up in kinky telephone cords" ...
but be orthogonal to all the other entities. Rhino and especially Grasshopper excel at this concept. Each building block in Grasshopper does a very focused thing, but they typically take as wide a variety of inputs as possible and do that thing to them. If you in...
This grasshopper component allows you demonstrate NURBS curves by specifying the degree of the curve, control points, weight vector and the knot vector. This allows the user to see NURBS curves in its most general sense. De Boor's Algorithm reference: