从 BERT 开始,预训练模型(PLMs)+微调(finetune)已经成为了NLP领域的常规范式。通过引入额外的参数(新...
In a MOVEstatement, the target cursor adopts all of the attributes of the source cursor, namely its position, and all of the clauses in the OPEN CURSOR statement.You can also open more than one cursor in parallel for a single database table. If a cursor is already open, you cannot ...
3)Ref游标:type 游标类型名 is ref cursor [return 返回值类型] --强类型的游标类型:type strong_cursor_type is ref cursor return emp%rowtype; --弱类型的游标类型:type weak_cursor_type is ref cursor; 用于处理运行时才确定的动态查询语句的结果。 5、游标的使用: 1)显示游标的使用步骤: 定义游标 打...
06511. 00000 - "PL/SQL: cursor already open" *Cause: An attempt was made to open a cursor that was already open. *Action: Close cursor first before reopening. ===below is the procedure === create or replace procedure xx_push_data_pr as cursor c is SELECT task_number , source_object...
This attribute is used to determine whether a cursor is in the open state. When a cursor is passed as a parameter to a function or procedure, it is useful to know (before attempting to open the cursor) whether the cursor is already open. ...
CURSOR emp_cursorIS SELECT ename,jobFROM empWHERE empno=7788; BEGIN OPEN emp_cursor; FETCH emp_cursorINTO v_ename,v_job; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_ename||','||v_job); CLOSE emp_cursor; END; 执行结果为: SCOTT,ANALYST PL/SQL 过程已成功完成。
Cursor is not open Posted by:MuraliDharan V Date: February 29, 2008 01:17AM Here is my Stored Procedure, It has three Cursors for three Different process based on the Input, DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS sp_test; CREATE PROCEDURE sp_test (IN pmId VARCHAR(100),IN pmType INTEGER) NOT ...
If the cursor is declared in a native SQL procedure, a cursor that is declared as WITH RETURN TO CLIENT can be opened even when a cursor with the same name is already in the open state. In this case, the already open cursor becomes a result set cursor and is no longer accessible by...
If you have already added multiple cursors with similar theme and you would like to have them turned into a cursor set, register or login and return to this page.Important: only cursor authors or copyright holders may add cursor to the library. If you are using pictures downloaded from ...
cursor, bool isExpanded, Android.Views.ViewGroup? parent); Parameters context Context Interface to application's global information cursor ICursor The group cursor from which to get the data. The cursor is already moved to the correct position. isExpanded Boolean Whether the group is expanded...