Cursor is not open Posted by:MuraliDharan V Date: February 29, 2008 01:17AM Here is my Stored Procedure, It has three Cursors for three Different process based on the Input, DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS sp_test; CREATE PROCEDURE sp_test (IN pmId VARCHAR(100),IN pmType INTEGER) NOT ...
Below is the pseudocode that is executing and generating a "Msg 16917 Cursor is not open." error. There are no cursors in triggers on the tables being inserted or anywhere else that I can find. The proc is on a sql2k5 box and the remote db's are sql2k. This does not happen in t...
MessageBox("提示信息","换床调用Sp_ChangeBed存储过程失败:"+sqlca.SQLErrText) GOTO Process_Error End IF fetch his_changebed into :li_return ,:ls_return; IF li_return <> 1 Then //失败 MessageBox("提示信息","换床调用his_changebed存储过程失败:"+ls_return ) End IF Close his_changebed;...
IF CURSOR_STATUS('global', 'mycursor') >= 0 BEGIN PRINT 'Cursor exists and is open'; END ELSE BEGIN PRINT 'Cursor does not exist or is not open'; END; REF:
I keep getting cursor not open error.What am I doing wrong? Thanks ssm MarlonRibunal Ten Centuries Points: 1332 More actions August 8, 2008 at 4:49 pm #855576 It could be that you are dropping the temporary table inside the cursor. try: Close mycursor Deallocate mycursor Drop Table ...
Bug #9814 Cursors: Closing a cursor that is not open hangs MySQL Submitted: 11 Apr 2005 13:05Modified: 5 Jul 2005 8:35 Reporter: Disha Email Updates: Status: Closed Impact on me: None Category: MySQL ServerSeverity: S1 (Critical) Version: 5.0.3 BetaOS: Any (ALL) Assigned to: ...
1.声明Cursor:CURSOR cursor_name IS query; –cursor_name是游标的名称,可以根据实际情况自行命名。 –query是查询的语句,可以是简单的SELECT语句,也可以包括一些复杂的逻辑。 2.打开Cursor:OPEN cursor_name; –cursor_name是要打开的游标名称。 Cursor 遍历结果集 可以使用LOOP语句来遍历Cursor的结果集。 LOOP FET...
CURSOR my_cursor IS SELECT dname FROM dept FOR UPDATE; -- 使用FOR UPDATE锁定数据以便更新 my_variable VARCHAR2(50); BEGIN OPEN my_cursor; LOOP FETCH my_cursor INTO my_variable; EXIT WHEN my_cursor%NOTFOUND; -- 在这里对my_variable进行更新操作,例如: UPDATE dept SET dname = 'New Name' ...
从 BERT 开始,预训练模型(PLMs)+微调(finetune)已经成为了NLP领域的常规范式。通过引入额外的参数(新...
I get ERROR 1326 (24000): Cursor is not open whenever I call my stored procedure. The code is as simple as this: DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE GetNext (OUT out1 INT, OUT out2 TIMESTAMP) BEGIN DECLARE cur_1 CURSOR FOR select vara, varb from tablea where varc>302 AND vard = 107...