这段代码确保了即使在发生异常的情况下,游标也能被正确关闭,从而避免了A cursor is already closed异常的发生。同时,通过检查cursor.isClosed(),我们避免了在游标已经关闭的情况下尝试关闭它,这是不必要的且可能导致其他问题。然而,通常情况下,一旦你调用了close()方法,就不应该再尝试访问该游标了,因此这个检查可能...
In a MOVEstatement, the target cursor adopts all of the attributes of the source cursor, namely its position, and all of the clauses in the OPEN CURSOR statement.You can also open more than one cursor in parallel for a single database table. If a cursor is already open, you cannot ...
{ display: block; clear: both; height: 0; } .pointerCursor { cursor: pointer; } .invisible { visibility: hidden; } .undisplayed { display: none; } .ms-Icon.enlarge { position: relative; font-size: 20px; top: 4px; } .ms-ListItem-secondaryText, .ms-ListItem-tertiaryText { padding-...
private void btnRead_Click(object o, EventArgs e) { btnRead.Enabled = false; txtDir.Enabled = false; Cursor = Cursors.AppStarting; // Clear the list view lvwDirList.Clear(); // This could be slow, so do this via an async delegate. ReadDelegate dlg = new ReadDelegate(ReadDirectory);...
Hello,I have a use case where I have to look up for a value that can be in an array and output a value from the corresponding output array.Here is my input...
Note You can use alt on an image pane to view the x/y coordinates of the cursor. You can also ctrl-scroll to zoom, alt scroll to pan vertically, and alt-shift scroll to pan horizontally. Double click inside the pane to restore the image to default. vis.images This function draws a ...
Improved usability of menus: they can be closed by clicking again on the parent menu item. Improved usability of scrollbars: dragging them also scrolls the page. Clicking on an empty area of the scrollbar moves the thumb right under the cursor. They respond by default to mouse wheel events...
At this point the cross cursor is still visible, i.e. still have the Line Segment Tool. Click the cursor on the endpoint of S1, enter angle + length... etc. This is exactly the behavior I would expect. "Sticky" tool selection enabling "chained" function. This didn't work b...
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