this thesis is intended to analyze the translation of culture-specific terms and dialogues in Vanity Fair by comparing Yang Bi ' s and Peng Changjiang ' s Chinese versions.言外之意的移植给译者造成了很大的困难。基于蒙娜·贝克的词层和语用对等方法,本文通过比较杨必与彭长江的中文译本来...
2.Aixel has identified eleven types of strategies for translating culture-specific items.艾克西拉从翻译作品中归纳出十一种处理文化专有项的策略。 3.These terms with distinct Chinese cultural features are called“Chinese culture-specific items”.大量具有显著中国文化特征的说法需要被译成英语,这些说法被称为...
In biology and agriculture, acultureis a specific, enclosed group of organisms, such as acell cultureor a group of plants or animals that are separated from the rest. Related to this sense, toculturemeans to grow such a group of organisms. ...
Culture-Specific Metaphor in TGOC and Its C-E Translation* YIN Xue-yan South China Business College, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China The Governance of China features the application of metaphors with Chinese characteristics. Metaphor is very persuasive. It uses rational and...
culture-specifics Cultural loss in Chinese-English translation WANG Xiao-hui (Foreign Languages Department, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China)Abstract: Different cultures have their own culture-specifics, which may pose great difficulties to the translators. In the process of cultural ...
43、ure can make the difference between job-search success and failure.,meaning: but increasingly career experts consider it important that an employee fits its employer in terms of culture. they think how well the employee fits the culture of his employer can have a significant effect on his ...
2. Aixel has identified eleven types of strategies for translating culture-specific items. 艾克西拉从翻译作品中归纳出十一种处理文化专有项的策略。3. These terms with distinct Chinese cultural features are called“Chinese culture-specific items”. 大量具有显著中国文化特征的说法需要被译成英语,这些...
1)Whatdoyouthinktheterm“corporateculture”means?2)Didyouspendtimetryingtolearnaboutthecultureofyourworkunit(part-time,fulltimeorresearchgroup)beforeyoujoinedit?3)Whatcanyousayaboutyourworkunitintermsofitsculture?Orwhatisyouridealworkunitlike?Pre-readingActivities II.ListeningPractice Listentothe...
Such frames and borders may be defined in terms of nation, history, dynasties, and cultures. Sex has thus been taken out of a biological and medical discourse and placed in a much broader context, so that the culture of sex has be to seen discursively within a framework of specific ...
We should continue to attach equal importance to export and import, better coordinate trade and industrial policies, and make China's exports more competitive in terms of technology, brand, quality and service. We should transform and upgrade processing trade, develop service trade, and promote ...