Culture-bound terms 文化词汇 Culture-bound terms: Those are terms or expressions referring to elements or concepts that are closely associated with a certain language and culture. 核心内容:原文中,具有文化特色的表达。仅在本文化中存在,如果翻译的话,就需要采用一些方法,追求等同的效果。所以,我们在...
(1980) dimensions of culture are related to intimacy ratings of relationship terms, as well as perceptions of the degree of personalization, synchrony, and difficulty of communication associated with relationships anchored by six specific terms (stranger, acquaintance, classmate, friend, best friend, ...
temporarily or indefinitely suspend, or terminate your right to use or access all or any part of the Website or Services at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice, effective immediately, which may result in the forfeiture and destruction of all information associated with you...
With the deepening of people's understanding of traditional culture, cultural products inspired by the 24 solar terms have emerged, including creative cuisines and designs. 随着人们对传统文化的认知不断加深,以二十四节气为灵感的美食...
1.1 Culture Amp Services During the Subscription Term, we will provide you with the worldwide (subject to applicable export and import laws and regulations), non-exclusive, limited, non-transferable (except pursuant to a permitted assignee under these General Terms), royalty-free right for its Us...
SWEAT LODGE: A spiritual ceremony (also called Tamazcal) linked with Native Indian culture taking place in a small, enclosed hut or other structure, and following the tradition of mind, body and spirit purification. SWEDISH MASSAGE: The term “Swedish massage” refers to the various techniques ...
All intellectual-property rights, including copyright, associated with the content displayed on the Website (‘Content’) belong tospikedor its licensors, unless otherwise indicated. Use of content The Website and the Content may only be used for your personal, non-commercial use. You may for ...
Culture of Compliance: Company culture whereby franchisees and staff do what is right for the system based on a feeling or knowledge that it is the right thing to do within the company philosophy, rather than because it is in the agreement or someone is watching. Days: Unless otherwise state...