CUDA_SDK_ROOT_DIR-NOTFOUND 是一个常见的 CMake 错误,通常发生在配置需要 CUDA SDK 的项目时,但 CMake 无法找到 CUDA SDK 的安装目录。下面我将根据提供的 tips 分点回答你的问题: 1. 确认 cuda_sdk_root_dir 的含义和用途 CUDA_SDK_ROOT_DIR 是一个环境变量或 CMake 变量,用于指定 CUDA SDK(软件开发...
gedit ~./bashrc 直接打开 也可以在home下按Ctrl+H把该文件显示出来,选择在终端下打开。 打开之后在文件中添加CUDA_TOOLKIT的路径,比如我的是: export CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/cuda10.0 保存之后即可解决这个错误。
I am new to cuda. I installed cuda 6.5 on ubuntu 14.04(64bit) using apt-get. when i try to compile pcl(point cloud library) with cuda support, it says: CUDA_SDK_ROOT_DIR-NOTFOUND what is the location of CUDA_SDK_ROOT_DIR? ccmake could find location of CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR as ...
I'm trying to install dlib on ubuntu 18.10 to useface_recognition. I follow the steps provided bythis sourcewith small variations, starting from step 3, but when I have to install, the path to the CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR can't be found and the cuda support for dlib is disabled...
报错CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR must be defined 2020-07-01 21:33 −... Wildcraner 0 1692 Callback must be a function. Received undefined 2019-12-22 00:20 −fs.js:143 throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(cb); ^ TypeError [ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK]: Callback must be a function. Received undefine...
As mentioned in #472, the variable, CUDA_SDK_ROOT_DIR doesn't get set for Linux users using cmake even though it does find Cuda. On Linux ( Ubuntu 14.04.1 ) this variable doesn't get automatically set during installation of Cuda ( like i...
> > Is it related to the fact that in my CMake configuration of RTK, the line > CUDA_SDK_ROOT_DIR is not found ? (CMake says “CUDA_SDK_ROOT_DIR-NOTFOUND”). > > If so, how am I supposed to configure this line ? > > If not, do you have a solution to propose (I could...