SetElement(Matrix A, int row, int col, float value) { A.elements[row * A.stride + col] = value; } //定义设备函数:获取A矩阵的子矩阵Asub,大小为 BLOCK_SIZE * BLOCK_SIZE __device__ Matrix GetSubMatrix(Matrix A, int row, int col) { Matrix Asub; Asub.width = BLOCK_SIZE; Asub...
cudaError_tcudaDeviceSetCacheConfig(cudaFuncCachecacheConfig);/* 参数cudaFuncCachePreferNone: no preference(default)cudaFuncCachePreferShared: prefer 48KB shared memory and 16 KB L1 cachecudaFuncCachePreferL1: prefer 48KB L1 cache and 16 KB shared memorycudaFuncCachePreferEqual: prefer 32KB L1 cac...
__host__ __device__ void* memset(void* ptr, int value, size_t size); 1. 将ptr指向的内存块的size字节设置为value(解释为无符号字符)。 CUDA 内核中的malloc()函数从设备堆中分配至少size个字节,并返回一个指向已分配内存的指针,如果没有足够的内存来满足请求,则返回 NULL。返回的指针保证与 16 字节...
There are many possible reasons. Floating point computations are not guaranteed to give identical results across any set of processor architectures. The order of operations will often be different when implementing algorithms in a data parallel way on the GPU. This is a very good reference on floa...
通过Drived API的函数 cuFuncSetSharedSize在kernel中动态声明。 通过执行配置动态声明。 *SM上的共享内存被组织成一些32位的Bank,不同的线程请求相同Bank会产生Bank冲突,引起性能下降,解决方法是填充数据消耗内存来避免性能的下降。 共享内存还具有广播能力,所一个warp中多个线程访问同一个字,则硬件上秩序一次共享内...
通过cudaDeviceSetSharedMemConfig(cudaSharedMemConfig config),可以设置bank size,计算能力3以上的支持8字节的bank size. 验证程序: #include<stdio.h>#include#defineWARPSIZE 32__global__voidkernel1(float*A) { __shared__floatdata[32][32];inttid =threadIdx.x;intcol = tid/WARPSIZE;introw = tid%...
// The size of the following is set by the host extern__shared__charsharedbuffer[]; } intmain() { // Other code // Host launch configuration SomeKernel<<<10, 23, 32>>>(); // Other code } Listing 6.2: Dynamic Shared Memory Allocation ...
// set up deviceintdev =0;cudaSetDevice(dev); // set up data sizeintnElem =32;printf('Vector size of vectors%d\n', nElem); size_tnBytes = nElem *sizeof(float); float*h_A, *h_B, *hostRef, *gpuRef;h_A = (float*)malloc(nBytes);h_B = (float*)malloc(nBytes);hostRef = (...
CUDA IPC Handle Size #define cudaArrayColorAttachment 0x20 Must be set in cudaExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray if the mipmapped array is used as a color target in a graphics API #define cudaArrayCubemap 0x04 Must be set in cudaMalloc3DArray to create a cubemap CUDA array #defi...
persistingL2CacheMaxSize:可以为持久内存访问留出的 L2 缓存的最大数量。 accessPolicyMaxWindowSize:访问策略窗口的最大尺寸。 控制L2缓存预留大小用于持久内存访问 使用CUDA 运行时 APIcudaDeviceGetLimit查询用于持久内存访问的 L2 预留缓存大小,并使用 CUDA 运行时 APIcudaDeviceSetLimit作为cudaLimit进行设置...