PD-L1 and CLAUDIN 18.2 gene humanized CT26 cell line Strain State Construction *Literature published using this strain should indicate: CT26-hPD-L1/hCLAUDIN 18.2 cell line (Cat. NO. NMC-230112) was purchased from Shanghai Model Organisms Center, Inc.. ...
Programmed Cell Death Protein 1(PD-1) ,一种在激活的 T 细胞上表达的受体,与其 配体 PD-L1 和 PD-L2 结合,负向调节免疫反应。 PD-1 配体存在于大多数癌症中,PD- 1:PD-L1/2 相互作用会抑制 T 细胞活性,并使癌细胞逃避免疫监视。 PD1/PDL1 信号转导通 路是肿瘤免疫抑制的重要组成部分,可以抑制 T ...
The humanized hPD-L1 syngeneic clonal colon carcinoma CT26 cell line expresses high levels of human PD-L1 and forms solid tumors in vivo
GDF15/PD-L1基因双人源化的CT26小鼠结肠癌细胞系 品系状态 构建中 *使用本品系发表的文献需注明: CT26-hGDF15/hPD-L1 cell line (Cat. NO. NMC-230015) was purchased from Shanghai Model Organisms Center, Inc.. 相关品系 MC38-hIL1β 细胞系名称:MC38-hIL1β ...
同时采用小鼠结肠腺癌CT26细胞系肝转移模型,通过肿瘤细胞脂质体转染PD-L1反义寡核苷酸、腹腔注射PD-L1反义寡核苷酸两种方式,观察PD-L1反义寡核苷酸处理后结肠癌CT26细胞肝脏转移癌结节数量的变化。 结果:1. 55例大肠癌组织中,PD-L1阳性表达29例(29/55,52.7%),明显高于对照肠黏膜(1/10,10%),χ~2检验,差异具...
PD-L1与CLAUDIN 18.2基因人源化的CT26小鼠结肠癌细胞系 品系状态 构建中 *使用本品系发表的文献需注明: CT26-hPD-L1/hCLAUDIN 18.2 cell line (Cat. NO. NMC-230112) was purchased from Shanghai Model Organisms Center, Inc.. 相关品系 MC38-hPD-L1/hCLAUDIN 18.2 ...
Humanized PD-1 Mice Humanized PD-L1 Mice NMG Mice Other Models Rats Humanized Drug Targets Immunodeficient Diseases Reporters Cre-drivers Standard Strains Inbred Outbred Cells Reporter-labeled Primary Humanized Drug Targets Wild-type Others Supporting Solutions Colony Managemen...
PD-L1MICROENVIRONMENTRADIOTHERAPYRESISTANCEOVERCOMEIMMUNITYThe effects of radiation therapy (RT) for cancer can be systemic and partially mediated by the immune system. However, radiation alone is unlikely to transform an immunosuppressive environment into an immunostimulatory one....