如果您想模拟某位职业玩家的敏感度,您可以随时查看我们的Pro Player Settings和Gear List。我们鼓励您计算自己的有效DPI。专业设置和齿轮列表 CS:GO Pro设置和齿轮列表CS:GO Pro设置和齿轮列表。这就是我们的数据,从而为您分析最常用的游戏外设和设备以及我们的竞争性设置指南。我们研究从DPI和eDPI,灵敏度,分辨率到...
Best Mouse Settings for CS:GO It’s nice to learn from successful professionals, so if you don’t want to experiment, feel free to use those of the following csgo pro mouse settings: s1mple mouse settings: DPI 400, sensitivity 3.09; ZywOo mouse settings: DPI 400, sensitivity 2; NiKo mou...
Mouse settings Let's go directly to the setup. Almost all pro-players play without mouse acceleration (Acceleration is an artificial acceleration of the cursor speed depending on the rate of movement of the mouse itself. In other words, the faster you move the mouse, the more it starts to ...
If you want to learn more about what settings and gear pro players are using, head over toPro Player Settings. TL;DR (Too Long Didn’t Read) Windows sensitivity: 6/11, enhance pointer precision: off. Mouse driver settings: mouse acceleration off. ...
Launch options Crosshair settings .cfg filesHow to Use CS:GO PRO Players’ Configs:Copy launch options and put them in the special window, as described above Copy Crosshair Settings and put them into your developer console Save in .cfg file: Create a txt file; Add console commands to your ...
ZywOo’s mouse settings are 400 DPI and 2.00 sensitivity on a custom Vaxee Outset AX Yellow mouse. These settings enable ZywOo to keep his aim stable, which is essential for precise shooting in CS:GO. His eDPI, which is the sum of his DPI and sensitivity, is 800, showing that his set...
Best Mouse settings for CS: GO Recommended Mouse: Logitech G PRO X SUPERLIGHT The mouse sensitivity settings in CS: GO are limited at best. However, there are still a couple of in-game and external settings that must be changed immediately. DPI400 Sensitivity2.0 eDPI800 Raw InputOn Zoom Se...
Twistzz’s mouse settings have a high sensitivity. Twistzz’s video settings are standard for professional players. If you want to start playing like a professional on CS2, then a good place to begin the journey is to try out Twistzz CS2 settings. Twistzz is undeniably a force within the Co...
Maybe you have a mouse and keyboard that you love, or a specific monitor that helps hit those headshots when it matters the most. None of these things matter, though, if you don't have the exact settings for the game. You don't want to be one step behind your opponents before you'...