如果您想模拟某位职业玩家的敏感度,您可以随时查看我们的Pro Player Settings和Gear List。我们鼓励您计算自己的有效DPI。专业设置和齿轮列表 CS:GO Pro设置和齿轮列表CS:GO Pro设置和齿轮列表。这就是我们的数据,从而为您分析最常用的游戏外设和设备以及我们的竞争性设置指南。我们研究从DPI和eDPI,灵敏度,分辨率到...
The CS:GO Pro sheet is a list of the latest settings, gaming gear and sensitivity used by professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive players. The list includes pro CS:GO players keybinds, crosshair, mouse settings, resolution, sensitivity, configs, DP
you can see a few of the features that make them better than many others. Even though this doesn’t define their gaming skills, it’s still valuable information that might change much for you. Review our list of the game settings for some of the best professional CSGO players and use thi...
Buy Ajazz AJ199 AJ139 Pro Wireless Mouse Gamer 2-Mode Wireless Wired Mouse PAW3395 Sensor 24600DPI Office CSGO LOL MOBA Gaming Mice at Aliexpress for . Find more , and products. Enjoy ✓Free Shipping Worldwide! ✓Limited Time Sale ✓Easy Return.
可以举一反三实 分享21 csgo吧 ikunProHD 给大家发个很好玩的指令alias attack bind mouse1 "+attack;-attack"; bind p attack alias +shunju "+attack"; alias -shunju "-attack;use weapon_knife;use weapon_awp;slot1"; alias +qiehuanshunju bind mouse1"+shunju" bind o +qiehuanshunju 进游戏...
ui->labelDragArea->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents,true); ui->checkSteamPath->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents,true); ui->checkCsgoPath->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents,true); ui->checkLauncherPath->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents,true); re...
These three are the ones we recommend the most, but if you don’t like their design the rest of the list are just as great but a bit more expensive than the QcK Large and similar to GS-R.BenQ ZOWIE G-SR is the most trusted mouse pad among pro CS:GO players, possibly due to ...
#10 training_aim_csgo2 Unlike most maps on this list, this one focuses solely on improving a player’s speed and precision. Players are tasked with shooting targets on a wall as fast as possible. Players are free to adjust the settings according to their capabilities. This map allows player...
Ok, if you are looking at this list thinking, “I am looking for a great skin, but I don’t want to pay too much, then you might want to look away for now and just tell yourself you can afford it, because the price is a little scary. To get a hold of this skin, Battle Scar...
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