您可以在CS:GO设置中的选项 - >键盘/鼠标 - >鼠标缩放灵敏度下找到它。在右侧,您可以看到顶级AWPER的平均变焦灵敏度。可能有一些争议这个数字(它也取决于玩家使用的老鼠),但似乎是大多数玩家围绕默认设置舒适的情况,即1。快速提示:如果您是Rifler,并希望使用相同的灵敏度,而范围和无范围使用这个:zoom_sensitivity...
Mouse settings Let's go directly to the setup. Almost all pro-players play without mouse acceleration (Acceleration is an artificial acceleration of the cursor speed depending on the rate of movement of the mouse itself. In other words, the faster you move the mouse, the more it starts to ...
the default mouse sensitivity is good enough to start feeling the game properly. After this you might need to adjust everything and look for your personal best CS:GO settings.
Mouse Settings and Sensitivity Mouse used: NiKo uses ZOWIE S2 DPI400 Polling Rate1000 Hz Sensitivity1.51 Zoom Sensitivity0.9 eDPI600 Windows Sensitivity6 Raw Input1 Mouse AccelerationOff NiKo CS:GO Crosshair Settings ColorCustom Red255 Green255 Blue200 AlphaYes Alpha Value255 T StyleNo Deployed ...
模板:Mouse settings table 刷新本页 刷新此页面的缓存吗? 刷新页面会清除缓存并强制显示最近的版本。 Rebuliding
Mouse settings at windows, sensitivity, dpi, polling rate (Hz): A windows setting of 6/11 is the best setting, as it gives a 1 to 1 relationship between mouse and cursor movement that is not altered through software :) DPI itself is nothing more than a certain "count" per inch travele...
CS:GO mouse settings: raw input on, mouse acceleration off. DPI/CPI and in-game sensitivity – recommendations: DPI/CPI: 400-800 In-game sensitivity: 1-3.75 Total mouse sensitivity: 600-1500 (CPI x In-game sensitivity) Crosshair: static. ...
Twistzz’s mouse settings Twistzz uses a very high sensitivity for his mouse. This allows him to play with his dominating style as he can rush and quickly change his targets. This does make it more difficult to aim, so be ready if you decide to try out these settings. CategorySetting DPI...
CS:GO最佳鼠标设置 在你选择了你要使用的鼠标之后(查看我们为CS:GO推荐的鼠标[https://prosettings.net/guides/]),你可能想知道你应该选择哪种游戏设置。 有几个鼠标设置必须配置为最佳。你可能已经听说过灵敏度、原始输入或鼠标加速[https://prosettings.net/blog/what-is-mouse-acceleration/]等术语。本指南将...
"I also switch between left and right eye on my mouse4 and mouse5." Team Spirit's Victor 'somedieyoung' Orudzhev uses the spacebar for ducking. "Ducking in CS:GO is very important, so such a big key works well for me," he adds. And while most players use the numbers above the...