简单说来,这意味着尽管cryo-ET的每个单张照片可能信噪比较低,但重构成三维图像后,信号可以加强,并且理论上信号质量可以超过单次高剂量投影相片。 图6. 按照解决生物问题的不同,ET技术方向有多种层次的细分(图:李赛)有了这些理论上可行性的分析和铺垫,cryo-ET技术在后来40多年的发展中被应用到蛋白复合物、病毒、细...
为分析在病毒颗粒表面的Env与其胞外可溶部分在结构上的差别,2022年2月4日,美国华盛顿大学的Kelly K. Lee和 Scripps研究所的Michael B. Zwick研究组合作在Cell上发表了文章Cryo-ET of Env on intact HIV virions reveals structural variation and positioning on the Gag lattice,借助冷冻电子断层成像(cryo-ET)...
简单说来,这意味着尽管cryo-ET的每个单张照片可能信噪比较低,但重构成三维图像后,信号可以加强,并且理论上信号质量可以超过单次高剂量投影相片。 图6. 按照解决生物问题的不同,ET技术方向有多种层次的细分(图:李赛) 有了这些理论上可行性的分析和铺垫,cryo-ET技术在后来40多年的发展中被应用到蛋白复合物、病毒、...
为分析在病毒颗粒表面的Env与其胞外可溶部分在结构上的差别,2022年2月4日,美国华盛顿大学的Kelly K. Lee和 Scripps研究所的Michael B. Zwick研究组合作在Cell上发表了文章Cryo-ET of Env on intact HIV virions reveals structural variation and positioning on the Gag lattice,借助冷冻电子断层成像(cryo-ET)技术...
The structure of chromatin plays pivotal roles in regulating gene transcription, DNA replication and repair, and chromosome segregation. This structure, however, remains elusive. Here, using cryo-FIB and cryo-ET, we delineate the 3D architecture of native chromatin fibres in intact interphase human ...
Electron Tomography workflow Coral Cryo by Leica Microsystems uses confocal super resolution to target your structure of interest more precisely. The workflow reduces and optimizes the number of workflow steps, improves the sample loading and transfer and so enhances the productivity of the CryoET ...
For example, advances in cryogenic electron microscopy (cryoEM) and tomography (cryoET) have recently elucidated the structure of soluble HTT in complex with HAP40 at near-atomic resolution23, the topology of mHTT-exon 1 and polyQ in vitro aggregates at nanometer resolution24, and have enabled...
Browse features The Glacios 2 Cryo-TEM is a powerful tool applicable for single particle, MicroED and cryo-ET applications that can help answer some of the most challenging research and drug discovery questions. Explore applications Advanced cryo-EM hardware and software ...