Today, electron cryomicroscopy (cryo-EM) can routinely achieve subnanometer resolutions of complex macromolecular assemblies. From a density map, one can extract key structural and functional information using a variety of computational analysis tools. At subnanometer resolution, these tools make it ...
An increasing number of density maps of biological macromolecules have been determined by cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and stored in the public database, EMDB. To interpret the structural information contained in EM density maps, alignment of maps
2.4 Cryo-EM Map Sharpening Methods 2.5 De Novo Protein Structure Prediction Methods 3. Contributing 4. License 1. Introduction This repository provides a list of the state-of-the-art methods on (i) atomic model building from cryo-EM density maps, (ii) cryo-EM map sharpening, and (iii) de...
The atomic model PDB-3j7h was converted into a density map, first for maps obtained considering all projection directions and then with missing directions, showing (a) Average Directional Resolution (ADR), (b) angular plot, (c) radial average of local-directional resolution maps (tangential-pink...
我们注意到该数据集包含的蛋白质数量非常少,但事实上DEFMap的输入是cryo-EM density map中的局部结构(尺寸为10Åx10Åx10Å,见图1),因此一个蛋白cryo-EM数据可以拆分成多个训练样本,再加上作者使用了随机旋转进行数据增强,整体数据量能够满足3D卷积神经网络的训练。
DEFMap: Dynamics Extraction From cryo-em Map This package provides an implementation of a dynamics prediction from a cryo-EM density map. Google Colaboratory version of DEFMap is now released. If you want to try it, please visit ColabDEFMap. Dependency Environment Ubuntu: 16.04 or 18.04 (confi...
Density map HelixBeta-strandsFilamentStereociliaCryo-electron microscopy (Cryo-EM) and cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) produce 3-D density maps of biological molecules at a range of resolution levels. Pattern recognition tools are important in......
The availability of accurately predicted models from sequences can potentially revolutionise many modelling approaches in structural biology, including the interpretation of cryo-EM density maps. Although atomic structures can be readily solved from cryo-EM maps of better than 4 resolution, it is still...
(机翻双语)Fitting an atomic model in an electron microscopy map with ChimeraX 21 -- 6:19 App (机翻双语)Rapidly fitting a PDB into and EM density prior to MDFF 70 -- 1:57:49 App (机翻双语) GNINA by Dr. David Koes 2.2万 6 5:29 App 巧克力的生产 22 -- 1:18:54 App Kensin...
Here, as an example, the solution of thestructure of a bacteriophage portal using a partial 30% model built into a 7.8 A˚resolution cryo-EM map is shown. Inspection of the self-rotation functionallowed the correct oligomerization state to be determined, and density-modif i cation procedures...