PU(Pull-Up):引体向上 C2B(Chest to Bar Pull-Up):胸触杠引体向上 RR(Ring Row):吊环划船 T2B/TTB(Toes to Bar):脚趾触杠 HSPU(Handstand Push-Up):倒立撑 Pike HSPU:派克倒立撑 Handstand Walk:倒立走 MU(Muscle-Up):双力臂 Dip:双杠臂屈伸 Ring Dip:吊环臂屈伸 kipping:摆荡 🏃综合类 SU(Single...
Chin Up Bar Product Description Key Features Durable Construction: Our chin up bar is built to last, with high-quality steel construction that can support your body weight securely.Versatile Grip Options: This bar features various grip positions, including wide, narrow, and neut...
Pull up:引体向上 Push up:俯卧撑 HSPU=handstand push up:倒立俯卧撑 Sit-up:仰卧起坐 Handstand:倒立,Handstand Walk,倒立走 Dip:臂屈伸,一般有bar dip双杠臂屈伸和ring dip吊环臂屈伸 MU=muscle up:指双力臂,一般有Ring MU,...
在线看CrossFit - Pull-Up Bar Drills: L-Pull-Up 9分钟 57秒。4 12月 2012的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 46 — 已浏览。
Pull up:引体向上Push up :俯卧撑HSPU=handstand push up:倒立俯卧撑MU=muscle up:指双力臂,一般有Ring MU,吊环双力臂或 Bar MU,单杠双力臂Ring row:吊环划船,通常适用于无法做引体向上的初学者,属于引体的降阶训练TTB=Toes to bar:脚尖触杆,是指双手握住单杠后,双脚同时触杆的一种体操训练方式K2E=Knees to...
Butterfly pull up:蝶式引体 CTB = chest to bar:胸触杆的引体向上 Push up:俯卧撑 HSPU = handstand push up:倒立俯卧撑 Handstand:倒立 Handstand Walk:倒立走 MU = muscle up:双力臂 Ring MU,吊环双力臂 Bar MU,单杠双力臂 Ring row:吊环划船 ...
- bar swing /knee raise/knee to elbow/toes to bar - ring row/jumping pull up/strict pull up - overhead squat 第二节基础课主要学习杠上的两个体操类动作,学习如何收紧自己的核心,如何控制自身体重类的动作,最后再学习一个过顶深蹲的动作,为以后抓举做准备。
·The strict muscle-up:严格双力臂 ·The push- up:俯卧撑 ·The L-sit:L型保持 ·The kipping toes-to-bar:摇摆脚趾触杆 ·The kipping handstand push-up:借力倒立撑 ·The kipping chest tobar pull-up:胸触杆引体向上 ·The kipping bar muscle-up:摇摆双力臂 ...
Burpee pull-ups Set the pull-up bar at your fingertips when your arms are extended overhead. ♀ 135 lb♂ 205 lb Beginner option: 12-9-6-3 reps for time of: Deadlift Burpee jumping pull-ups Set the pull-up bar at the middle of your forearms when your arms are extended overhead. ...
The Strict Chest-to-bar Pull-up The Push-up See “Hand-release Push-ups” section in “A Fresh Take on the Lowly Push-up” The Walking Lunge The Strict Pull-up The Ring Row Find a gym near you: View the CrossFit map Featured photo: Taken by Charlotte Foerschler at CrossFit Krypton...