PU(Pull-Up):引体向上 C2B(Chest to Bar Pull-Up):胸触杠引体向上 RR(Ring Row):吊环划船 T2B/TTB(Toes to Bar):脚趾触杠 HSPU(Handstand Push-Up):倒立撑 Pike HSPU:派克倒立撑 Handstand Walk:倒立走 MU(Muscle-Up):双力臂 Dip:双杠臂屈伸 Ring Dip:吊环臂屈伸 kipping:摆荡 🏃综合类 SU(Single...
Farmer's Walk:农夫行走 Ring push-ups:吊环俯卧撑 Shuttle run:折返跑 Row:划船机 Ski:滑雪机 Bike:风阻单车 GHD = Glute ham developer:腰背综合训练器 Turkish Get-Up = TGU:土耳其起立 Kettlebell Swing = KBS:壶铃甩摆 Devil's Press:魔鬼推希望这份术语大集合能帮到你们,让你们在CrossFit的道路上更加得...
2 sets: AMRAP 3: 100-meter run 10 pull-ups AMRAP 3: Freestanding handstand hold – Rest 2:00 between sets. Notes Stimulus & Goals 2-3+ rounds in the first AMRAP. :30-1:00+ on the handstand hold. Retest from 230327. 运动 健身 健身 训练 CrossFit ...
锻炼1:15 V-Ups 锻炼2:在16分钟内,尽可能多的弓步行走 锻炼3:20个卷腹 锻炼4:10个burpees和1个pullup 锻炼5:20个登山跑 锻炼6:慢跑 锻炼7:16个引体向上 锻炼8:21个深蹲跳 锻炼9:空中俯卧撑
锻炼1:15 V-Ups 锻炼2:在16分钟内,尽可能多的弓步行走 锻炼3:20个卷腹 锻炼4:10个burpees和1个pullup 锻炼5:20个登山跑 锻炼6:慢跑 锻炼7:16个引体向上 锻炼8:21个深蹲跳 锻炼9:空中俯卧撑
Muscles Targeted: Pull-ups are one of the best bodyweight exercises you can do for your upper body. They primarily target the large muscles of the back (latissimus dorsi) along with the smaller biceps muscles. Specifically, pull-ups engage the latissimus
crossfit pullupszerozerozerooooooo... 2018-02-28 回复3 戴夫健身 作者 哈哈哈哈 2018-02-28 回复2 根叔 Elgintensity Rich Piana small by the dayMy crossfit show motherf*ckerInner city 2018-04-11 回复喜欢 古罪 纹身哥克里斯啊,b站上有好几个转的引体、双力臂教学,非常...
Perform this workout as prescribed if you can complete at least 3 unbroken strict chest-to-bar pull-ups and 5-7 hand-release push-ups without deviation of your midline (aka “snaking” your push-ups). The loading of the lunges in this workout should be light enough that you can ...