CrossFit experts explain how to do handstand push-ups and lend helpful tips on how to master the move.
Knees up:悬垂过膝,是TTB的降阶动作,双手握住单杠,悬挂在单杠上,将膝盖抬至髋部以上的位置 CTB=chest to bar:胸触杆的引体向上,要求在做引体向上的时候胸部触碰的单杠 Dip:臂屈伸,一般有bardip双杠臂屈伸和ring dip吊环臂屈伸 Hand stand:倒立,HandstandWalk,倒立走 Hollow hold:刚体保持,是一种体操的基础训练...
Split jerk:分腿挺 Push jerk:借力挺举 Push press:借力推举 Thruster:火箭推 体操类动作 🤸♀️ Pull up:引体向上 Kipping pull up:借力引体 Butterfly pull up:蝶式引体 CTB = chest to bar:胸触杆的引体向上 Push up:俯卧撑 HSPU = handstand push up:倒立俯卧撑 Handstand:倒立 Handstand Walk:倒立...
Push up:俯卧撑 HSPU=handstand push up:倒立俯卧撑 Sit-up:仰卧起坐 Handstand:倒立,Handstand Walk,倒立走 Dip:臂屈伸,一般有bar dip双杠臂屈伸和ring dip吊环臂屈伸 MU=muscle up:指双力臂,一般有Ring MU,吊环双力臂或 Bar M...
Knees up:悬垂过膝,是TTB的降阶动作,双手握住单杠,悬挂在单杠上,将膝盖抬至髋部以上的位置 CTB=chest to bar:胸触杆的引体向上,要求在做引体向上的时候胸部触碰的单杠 Dip:臂屈伸,一般有bardip双杠臂屈伸和ring dip吊环臂屈伸 Hand stand:倒立,HandstandWalk,倒立走 ...
The chest-to-wall handstand push-up encourages the athlete to maintain a hollow position throughout the movement. Arching during the press in this handstand push-up variation will result in the athlete falling away from the wall. As a result, mastering the strict chest-to-wall handstand push-...
Push up :俯卧撑HSPU=handstand push up:倒立俯卧撑MU=muscle up:指双力臂,一般有Ring MU,吊环双力臂或 Bar MU,单杠双力臂Ring row:吊环划船,通常适用于无法做引体向上的初学者,属于引体的降阶训练TTB=Toes to bar:脚尖触杆,是指双手握住单杠后,双脚同时触杆的一种体操训练方式K2E=Knees to elbow:属于TTB的...
Push up:俯卧撑 HSPU=handstand push up:倒立俯卧撑 MU=muscle up:指双力臂,一般有Ring MU,吊环双力臂或 Bar MU,单杠双力臂 Ring row:吊环划船,通常适用于无法做引体向上的初学者,属于引体的降阶训练 TTB=toes to bar:脚尖触杆,是指双手握住单杠后,双脚同时触杆的一种体操训练方式 ...
-Greg Glassman,Handstands To learn more about human movement and the CrossFit methodology, visitCrossFit Training. Comments on The Freestanding Handstand Push-Up Print
HSPU (Handstand Push Up): 倒立撑 KB (Kettlebell):壶铃 K2E (Knee to Elbow):膝盖触手肘 Kipping:借力晃,一般会出现在Kipping pullup中,借力引体向上,指的是依靠身体晃动的一种高效的引体向上 MetCon:Metabolic Conditioning Muscle Clean:力量翻站或者可以翻译成直腿翻站,要求接杠时保持膝盖打直。