ByCrossFitMarch 7, 2019 Found in:220822,230430,Essentials,Movements TwitterMail The integration of strength and balance gives the handstand push-up an athletic edge that brings this movement to at least peer status with even the heaviest of presses, whether bench, overhead, or jerk. Performing ...
CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart demonstrates the handstand push-up. For more info on CrossFit's Trainer Courses:® - Forging Elite Fitness® ( CrossFit Games® - The Sport of Fitness™The Fittest ...
3×5 Strict Pull-up then complete: Skill Work 12 Minutes to practice any skill you need work on. Ex: double unders, kipping pull ups, butterfly pull ups, muscle up progressions, handstands, handstand walk, handstand push up progressions, etc. ...