However, CrossFit Games® events are always unique, and the events rarely repeat; therefore, our study does not provide firm conclusions. As our study is the first to compare CrossFit Games® performance between the sexes, further research is needed. Keywords: gender; endurance; strength; ...
Paula Leyes是一名来自阿根廷的私人教练,也是一位知名的CrossFit运动员,她在整个南美洲CrossFit赛区的排名是第306位。 Paula Leyes曾经多次参加过阿根廷国内的CrossFit赛事,并且参与过全国越野比赛,是一位拥有惊人爆发力和超级强悍体能的肌肉女性。 Paula Leyes自幼就有运动的基础,她练习足球,体操,杂技等高难度运动,可惜...
来自CrossFit的视频 4.7千次浏览 0:23 At-Home_ Odd Object Clean 210 人观看 1:33 L-Sit Drills 1.9千次浏览 0:09 The Bear Crawl (1) 6.2千次浏览 0:51 The Ring Dip 3.3千次浏览 0:54 The AbMat Sit-Up 4.8千次浏览 0:30 2635954178228486852 ...
CrossFit力量代码 2016-6-9 10:37 来自iPhone SE 深蹲前物理氮泵的正确打开方式LCrossFit毕缨棒Tristan的秒拍视频 抱歉,视频无法播放,去看看其他视频û收藏 6 4 ñ4 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候......
Background/Objectives: CrossFit® is one of the most popular yet controversial training regimens. Some groups extol the positive effects of its practice, while others argue that it is unsafe and that there is limited information. The aim of this study was to investigate, through a self-report...