🐭 专业名称:Crl:CD1(ICR) 🎨 毛色:白化 🔢 品系编码:201🔍 来源: 该品系最初由两只雄性和七只雌性白化Swiss小鼠组成,这些Swiss小鼠来自瑞士Centre Anticancereux Romand的de Coulon实验室的非近交品系。1926年,Rockefeller研究所的Clara Lynch博士引入了这些小鼠。1948年,费城癌症研究所用Rockefeller研究所培育...
Toour knowledge, this report is the first to describe a case of spontaneous lysosomal storage disease in an outbred mouse of the CD1(ICR) background.HernonKristaMWhitcombTiffanyLDavisLoriCooperTimothyingentaconnectComparative Medicine
Goulding DR, Myers PH, Goulding EH, Blankenship TL, Grant MF, Forsythe DB. 2010. The effects of perioperative analgesia on litter size in Crl:CD1(ICR) mice undergoing embryo transfer. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci 49:423-426.Goulding DR, Myers PH, Goulding EH, Blankenship TL, Grant MF, ...
Int J Nanomed., 2016; 11: 4261-4273.Berce C, Lucan C, Petrushev B, et al. In vivo assessment of bone marrow toxicity by gold nanoparticle-based bioconjugates in Crl:CD1(ICR) mice. Int J Nanomedicine. 2016;11:4261-4273.