🐭 专业名称:Crl:CD1(ICR) 🎨 毛色:白化 🔢 品系编码:201🔍 来源: 该品系最初由两只雄性和七只雌性白化Swiss小鼠组成,这些Swiss小鼠来自瑞士Centre Anticancereux Romand的de Coulon实验室的非近交品系。1926年,Rockefeller研究所的Clara Lynch博士引入了这些小鼠。1948年,费城癌症研究所用Rockefeller研究所培育...
Berce C, Lucan C, Petrushev B, Boca S, Miclean M, Sarpataki O, Astilean S, Buzoianu A, Tomuleasa C, Bojan A, In vivo assessment of bone marrow toxicity by gold nanoparticle-based bioconjugates in Crl:CD1(ICR) mice. Int J Nanomed., 2016; 11: 4261-4273....
21Table 6: Incidence of Neoplasms by Study for Selected Organs/Females... 23Mary L. A. GiknisPh.DCharles B. CliffordD.V.MPh.D
Toour knowledge, this report is the first to describe a case of spontaneous lysosomal storage disease in an outbred mouse of the CD1(ICR) background.HernonKristaMWhitcombTiffanyLDavisLoriCooperTimothyingentaconnectComparative Medicine
Goulding DR, Myers PH, Goulding EH, Blankenship TL, Grant MF, Forsythe DB. 2010. The effects of perioperative analgesia on litter size in Crl:CD1(ICR) mice undergoing embryo transfer. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci 49:423-426.Goulding DR, Myers PH, Goulding EH, Blankenship TL, Grant MF, ...
The effect of cage space on behavior and reproduction in Crl:CD1(Icr) and C57BL/6NCrl labora- tory mice. PLoS One 10: e0127875. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0127875.Gaskill BN and Pritchett-Corning KN. Effect of Cage Space on Behavior and Reproduction in Crl:CD (SD) and BN/Crl ...