3. 干扰(Interference)最后,细菌需要干扰病毒基因的合成(Targeting)。crRNA会指导Cas9到达基因组上与其...
[1] Hauser A S, Attwood M M, Rask-Andersen M, et al. Trends in GPCR drug discovery: new agents, targets and indications[J]. Nature reviews Drug discovery, 2017, 16(12): 829-842. [2] Ye R, Pi M, Cox J V, et al. CRISPR/Cas9 targeting of GPRC6A suppresses prostate cancer tumo...
在文章中,作者详细回顾了其中三种新兴技术,分别是base editors, prime editors以及RNA-targeting CRISPR-associated protein (Cas)13 effectors,通过讨论这三种技术与传统基因修饰系统相比的优势,强调各自的治疗应用,并探讨了安全
[3] Kiessling M K, Schuierer S, Stertz S, et al. Identification of oncogenic driver mutations by genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 dropout screening[J]. BMC genomics, 2016, 17(1): 1-16. [4] Sasaki M, Ogiwara H. Synthetic...
图片来源:Tomoji Mashimo. (2014) Gene targeting technologies in rats: Zinc finger nucleases, transcription activator-like effector nucleases, and clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats. Development Growth Differentiation, 56(...
图片来源:Tomoji Mashimo. (2014) Gene targeting technologies in rats: Zinc finger nucleases, transcription activator-like effector nucleases, and clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats. Development Growth Differentiation, 56(1): 46–52....
2024年5月7日,来自上海交通大学、复旦大学等多家单位的研究团队在Nature Biomedical Engineering上发表了题为:Dendritic-cell-targeting virus-like particles as potent mRNA vaccine carriers的研究论文。 研究团队开发了一种新型疫苗技术——DC靶向性类病毒载体(DVLP)。这种疫苗技术能够特异靶向树突状细胞(DC),高效递送...
2023年1月23日,诺贝尔奖得主 Jennifer Doudna 教授团队在 Nature 子刊 Nature Biotechnology 发表了题为:Precise transcript targeting by CRISPR-Csm complexes 的研究论文 【1】 ,该论文于2022年6月提前在预印本平台bioRxiv上线。 该研究开发了基于 CRISPR-Csm 的新型RNA调控工具, 可在人类细胞中高效敲低RNA,效率...
TheGin the sense oligo corresponds to the first nt of the gRNA and is necessary for efficient U6-driven expression. This G is the first nt in the 20-nt targeting sequence. The sense oligo19-nt sequence is the EXACT same sequence as the genomic target sequence. Do not include the 3-nt...
We describe here a CRISPR/Cas9 genome engineering method, single-guide CRISPR/Cas targeting of repetitive elements (SCORE), to model reciprocal genomic disorders and demonstrate its capabilities by generating reciprocal CNVs of 16p11.2 and 15q13.3, including alteration of one copy-equivalent of the ...