在Prisma中使用带有外键的createMany可以通过以下步骤实现: 首先,确保你已经正确配置了Prisma,并且已经生成了Prisma Client。 在Prisma的数据模型文件(通常是schema.prisma)中定义你的数据模型和关联关系。假设你有两个模型:User和Post,并且Post模型有一个外键指向User模型。
使用Prisma的嵌套create查询返回undefined Prisma是一个现代化的ORM(对象关系映射)工具,用于简化数据库访问和操作。它支持多种数据库系统,并提供了强大的查询构建器和数据模型定义语言。 在使用Prisma的嵌套create查询时,返回undefined可能有以下几种原因: 数据库连接问题:首先,需要确保数据库连接已经正确地配置和建立。可以...
The error is a classical Prisma foreign key error: PrismaClientKnownRequestError: Invalid `prisma.quantity.createMany()` invocation in C:\Users\santosh.passoubady\Desktop\work\code\ProjectPipelineV2\push_to_db\push_main.ts:29:51 26 skipDuplicates: true, 27 }); 28 → 29 const upsertPartQty...
i using test e2e for my app and i create a testPrisma using createPrismaMock() then i using query count and findMany with filter using search with 2 field. after run i have wrong result. How to reproduce Expected behavior No response Prisma information // Add your schema.prisma // Add ...
Wait for a minute or two for the Python package to get installed. In the meantime, downloadJupyter Notebook. Jupyter Notebook is a compiler for many languages used by developers because of its rich and interactive output visualization. Since Turi Create only supports Python 2, enter the followi...
If you have a one to many relation: The problem in your code is here: calendar Calendar @relation(fields: [id], references: [id]) You should change fields [id] to fields [calendarId]. In the Calendar you should change the day DayEvent to days DayEvent[] But if ...
Prisma Drizzle NextAuth.js So... what iscreate-t3-app? A template? and what's added increate-dtx-app? Kind of?create-t3-appis a CLI built by seasoned T3 Stack devs to streamline the setup of a modular T3 Stack app. This means each piece is optional, and the "template" is generat...
Prisma NextAuth.jsSo... what is create-t3-app? A template?Kind of? create-t3-app is a CLI built by seasoned T3 Stack devs to streamline the setup of a modular T3 Stack app. This means each piece is optional, and the "template" is generated based on your specific needs.After...
Prisma NextAuth.js So... what iscreate-t3-app? A template? Kind of?create-t3-appis a CLI built by seasoned T3 Stack devs to streamline the setup of a modular T3 Stack app. This means each piece is optional, and the "template" is generated based on your specific needs. ...
We want to have our env available in many parts of our application. You can add the following to our turbo.json ."globalEnv": [ "DATABASE_URL", "NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_FRONTEND_API", "CLERK_API_KEY", "CLERK_JWT_KEY" ]Update Next.js package.json We need to be able to access the .en...