Bug description Hi there We are experiencing a crash when triggering a GraphQL nested query with many-to-many database tables. We have demonstrated the crash only is triggered when: It's a nested query, and It's a one-to-many relationshi...
The following example uses the below blog schema with a one-to-many relationship between Post and User and sets a Restrict referential actions on the author field.This means that if a user has a post, that user (and their posts) cannot be deleted.schema.prisma...
Continuing our work from5.1.0we made further performance improvements around the queries Prisma executes, targetingone-to-many relation fieldsandnested updates. UseLIMITin one-to-many relations on a single parent In cases where there is a single parent with a one-to-many relation included (findFir...
我想创建一个模式,其中实体Chapter的子级也是Chapter. 它必须是一对多的关系,因为一个章节可以有多个子项,但只能有一个父项。 我发现很难在我的 Prisma 模式中定义它。我尝试了一些方法,但总是显示错误: // children and parent fieldsmodel Chapter { id Int@default(autoincrement())@id// ...children Chapt...
Easy way to open a Tetra Pak portion package Well-accepted by consumers Comes ready prepared on packaging material Combine with a selection of low-cost, functional and fun straws DreamCap™ 26 Type:One -step screw cap Principle:Resealable Benefits: Total portability for on-the-go consumption ...
the relation field is a one-to-many or many-to-many (i.e. list) type (would return empty array if no related records found) the relation was originally flagged as required (isRequired = true) the relation field is annotated with @DtoRelationRequired (do this when you mark a relation ...
Easy way to open a Tetra Pak portion package Well-accepted by consumers Comes ready prepared on packaging material Combine with a selection of low-cost, functional and fun straws DreamCap™ 26 Type:One -step screw cap Principle:Resealable Benefits: Total portability for on-the-go consumption ...
There is a one-to-manyrelationbetween the two models, specified by thepostsandauthorrelation fields onUserandPost. This means that one user can be associated with many posts. Save and exit the file. With these models in place, you can now create the corresponding tables in the database usi...
Bug description Unable to insert a trivial record in sqlite3. Getting the following exception: thread 'tokio-runtime-worker' panicked at libs/user-facing-errors/src/quaint.rs:178:18: internal error: entered unreachable code stack backtra...
## Features - 🚀 Prisma-like syntax for easy adoption - 📊 Schema definition with field types and relations - 🔗 Support for one-to-one and one-to-many relations - 🔍 Basic CRUD operations (create, read, update, delete) - 🧠 Smart relation handling (automatic loading of related ...