@prisma-extensions/factory- Create factories @prisma-extensions/msoft-delete- Enable adeletedAtfield. @prisma-extensions/truncate- Truncate Challenges When usingmodel.$allModelsyou can't get the model the method is being acted on. When usingmodel.$allModelsyou can't get the types of the model...
Create a custom connector Normalize data Aggregate data with summary rules Integrate threat intelligence Detect threats and analyze data Hunt for threats Investigate incidents Automate responses SOC optimizations Manage Microsoft Sentinel Build and publish Microsoft Sentinel solutions Troubleshoot Reference Resourc...
Custom connectors: If you have a data source that isn't listed or currently supported, you can also create your own, custom connector. For more information, seeResources for creating Microsoft Sentinel custom connectors. Note For information about feature availability in US Government clouds, see ...
Please manually install OpenSSL via `apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y openssl` and try installing Prisma again. If you're running Prisma on Docker, add this command to your Dockerfile, or switch to an image that already has OpenSSL installed. If you still experience an issue, let...
We're the exclusive partner for Factor Bikes in the UK and the complete range can be ordered online or by visiting one of our showrooms. Custom Built For You All bikes ordered through Vires Velo are custom built to spec as standard. Work with our team to create your dream build spec no...
Custom connectors: If you have a data source that isn't listed or currently supported, you can also create your own, custom connector. For more information, seeResources for creating Microsoft Sentinel custom connectors. Pastaba For information about feature availability in US Government clouds, see...
.PRISMA_CLIENT_ENGINE_TYPE;return e==="library"?"library":e==="binary"?"binary":void 0}var Je;(t=>{let e;(E=>(E.findUnique="findUnique",E.findUniqueOrThrow="findUniqueOrThrow",E.findFirst="findFirst",E.findFirstOrThrow="findFirstOrThrow",E.findMany="findMany",E.create="create",E...
Custom connectors: If you have a data source that isn't listed or currently supported, you can also create your own, custom connector. For more information, seeResources for creating Microsoft Sentinel custom connectors. Notă For information about feature availability in US Government clouds, see...
Prisma Health's core idea behind turning to vendor CipherHealth was that rounding – whether patient-facing or team member-facing, in both acute and ambulatory settings – had to become a fundamental part of workflow. "By moving to a structured rounding framework, we aimed to create a culture...
Prisma Cloud DSPMenables bringing Snowflake into the fold of your broader data security strategy. Rather than treating Snowflake as an isolated silo, you can see the full picture of data, risk and compliance in every cloud environment you manage or use – including Snowflake and CSPs such as...