sql CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS hstore; 如果hstore 扩展已存在于数据库中,上述命令将不会执行任何安装操作,并给出提示说明该扩展已存在。 注意事项 在使用 CREATE EXTENSION 安装扩展到数据库之前,必须确保该扩展的支持文件已被正确安装。 安装扩展需要相应的权限,通常这需要超级用户或数据库所有者的权限。
IF NOT EXISTS已有同名扩展存在时不要抛出错误。这种情况下会发出一个提示。 注意,不保证现有的扩展与将要从当前可用的脚本文件创建的脚本有任何相似。 extension_name要安装的扩展的名称。PolarDB 将使用文件 SHAREDIR/extension/ extension_name .control 中的指令来创建该扩展。 schema_name假定该扩展允许其内容被重...
CREATE EXTENSION [ IF NOT EXISTS ] extension_name [ WITH ] [ SCHEMA schema_name ] [ VERSION version ] [ CASCADE ] 参数 IF NOT EXISTS已有同名扩展存在时不要抛出错误。这种情况下会发出一个提示。 注意,不保证现有的扩展与将要从当前可用的脚本文件创建的脚本有任何相似。 extension_name要安装的扩展的...
PG::InsufficientPrivilege: ERROR:permission denied to create extension "hstore"HINT: Must be superuser to create this extension. : CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS hstore解决方案: sudo su postgres -c "psql db_name -c'CREATE EXTENSION hstore;'" (db_name 为数据库名称) 然后再 rake db:migrate...
CREATE_EXTENSION - install an extension SYNOPSIS CREATE EXTENSION [ IF NOT EXISTS ]extension_name[ WITH ] [ SCHEMAschema_name] [ VERSIONversion] [ FROMold_version] [ CASCADE ] DESCRIPTION CREATEEXTENSIONloads a new extension into the current database. There must not be an extension of the sam...
CREATEEXTENSIONIFNOTEXISTSpg_tle; On Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS, you need to explicitly grant thepgtle_adminpermission to your user. If you’re using the postgres user, you can do this with the following command: GRANTpgtle_adminTOpostgres; ...
[], "allowExtensionOperations": true, "requireGuestProvisionSignal": true }, "diagnosticsProfile": { "bootDiagnostics": { "enabled": true } }, "location": "westus", "userData": "c2FtcGxlIHVzZXJEYXRh" }, "provisioningState": "Succeeded", "consistencyMode": "ApplicationConsistent", "...
If the URL's domain name is used as a sub-queue name, this problem can be solved: all the URLs with the same domain name can be fetched and processed in strict FIFO order. utubettl- extension ofutubeto supportttl This queue type is effectively a combination offifottlandutube. ...
It checks the file extension to read the file content accordingly, depending on if it's a .pdf or a .docx document. The text content is split into smaller chunks using the RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter LangChain object. Metadata is created for each chunk and stored in the metadatas list....