针对你的问题 create extension if not exists postgis;,以下是我的详细回答: 1. 解释SQL命令 这条SQL命令的作用是:在数据库中检查是否已存在名为"postgis"的扩展,如果不存在,则创建它。 CREATE EXTENSION 是PostgreSQL中用于添加扩展的SQL命令。 IF NOT EXISTS 是一个条件判断,用于确保在扩展不存在时才执行创建...
IF NOT EXISTS已有同名扩展存在时不要抛出错误。这种情况下会发出一个提示。 注意,不保证现有的扩展与将要从当前可用的脚本文件创建的脚本有任何相似。 extension_name要安装的扩展的名称。PolarDB 将使用文件 SHAREDIR/extension/ extension_name .control 中的指令来创建该扩展。 schema_name假定该扩展允许其内容被重...
The name of the schema in which to install the extension's objects, given that the extension allows its contents to be relocated. The named schema must already exist. If not specified, and the extension's control file does not specify a schema either, the current default object creation sche...
create extension if not exists timescaledb cascade still fails with the same error as before. The image used was:image: timescale/timescaledb:1.3.2-pg11 Sorry, something went wrong. Copy link Member RobAtticuscommentedJun 24, 2019 I just tried with that@andylampand this is what I see: ...
begin; create table [if not exists] [schema_name.]table_name ([ { column_name column_type [column_constraints, [...]] | table_constraints [, ...] } ]); call set_table_property('', property, value); commit; 参数说明 column_type:为字段的数据类型,已支持的数据类型可以参见数据类型...
cointrader=# CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS timescaledb CASCADE; NOTICE: extension "timescaledb" already exists, skipping CREATE EXTENSION cointrader=# select create_hypertable('ohlcv'); ERROR: function create_hypertable(unknown) does not exist LINE 1: select create_hypertable('ohlcv'); ^ HINT:...
[ IF NOT EXISTS ] 判断新创建的表是否已存在,若存在则跳过。 src_table_name 源表或视图(VIEW)名称,即要复制的表或视图名称。 说明 Hologres从 V2.1.21版本开始,支持将视图(VIEW)作为数据源,即支持复制视图的结构和数据创建表。 select_query 查询的SQL语句串,详情请参见SELECT。 [ WITH [ NO ] DATA ]...
Paste in the file name including extension into the Dataset Value. Remember the file must be in the OneDrive that was used for the Connection setup. (for example: SampleData.xlsx) Select Save.Entity catalogWith the connection reference and the virtual table data source setup, an Entity Catalog...
CREATE [ TEMPORARY | TEMP ] SEQUENCE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] name [ INCREMENT [ BY ] increment ] [ MINVALUE minvalue | NO MINVALUE ] [ MAXVALUE maxvalue | NO MAXVALUE ] [ START [ WITH ] start ] [ CACHE cache ] [ [ NO ] CYCLE ] [ OWNED BY { table_name.column_name | NONE }...