“extension does not exist”是一个在软件开发,特别是Android开发中常见的编译错误。对于使用Kotlin进行Android开发的开发者来说,这个错误可能会在编译项目时遇到,具体表现为“Extension with name 'kotlin' does not exist”的提示。错误原因Kotlin插件配置问题:在Gradle构建系统的...
> Extension with name 'kotlin' does not exist. Currently registered extension names: [ext, defaultArtifacts, sourceSets, reporting, java, javaToolchains, buildOutputs, android, androidComponents, androidComponents_compat_by_type, kapt] * Try: Run with --info or --debug option to get more log ...
An exception occurred applying plugin request[id:'kotlin-kapt']>Failed to apply plugin'kotlin-kapt'.>Extensionwithname'kotlin'does not exist.Currently registered extension names:[ext,defaultArtifacts,sourceSets,reporting,java,javaToolchains,buildOutputs,android,androidComponents,androidComponents_compat_by_ty...
> Could not create task ':donuts-java:initScmAdapter'. > Could not create task of type 'InitScmAdapter'. > Extension with name 'release' does not exist. Currently registered extension names: [ext] * Try: > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. > Run with --info or ...
Extension被加载到了错误的Schema下,导致切换Schema后无法访问对应的函数或语法,报错function xxx does not exist。 问题原因:通常是因为Extension被加载到了public Schema下,切换Schema后,无法访问。 解决方法:卸载Extension,并将Extension重新加载到pg_catalog Schema下,这样所有的Schema都能访问。示例如下: 重要 卸载Exten...
Cannot get property 'compileSdkVersion' on extra properties extension as it does not exist问题解决 情景:当在 导入 外项目的 lib 库中遇到了 这个问题, 原因: 这个问题表示 项目中的多个项目的 compileSdkVersion 都不一致. 解决办法: 如果有很多项目,可以设置全局来统一管理版本号或依赖库, ...
我们正带领大家开始阅读英文的《CUDA C Programming Guide》,今天是第39天,我们正在讲解CUDA C语法,...
Because the classes are instantiated by the runtime system, it's not meaningful to derive from the extension class. Therefore, the extension class must be marked as final. The extension class MyClass_Extension does not extend the designated class (MyClass). Therefore, you cannot override ...
Extension被加载到了错误的Schema下,导致切换Schema后无法访问对应的函数或语法,报错function xxx does not exist。 问题原因:通常是因为Extension被加载到了public Schema下,切换Schema后,无法访问。 解决方法:卸载Extension,并将Extension重新加载到pg_catalog Schema下,这样所有的Schema都能访问。示例如下: 重要 卸载Exten...
if you are debugging the solution in Release mode or debuging DLLs from another source, such as a nuget package, you'll get an error message: "Cannot evaluate expression because the code of the current method is optimized" or "error CS0103: The name 'YellowFlavor' does not exist in the...