Create a storage accountA storage account is an Azure Resource Manager resource. Resource Manager is the deployment and management service for Azure. For more information, see Azure Resource Manager overview.Every Resource Manager resource, including an Azure storage account, must belong to an Azure ...
To use Data Lake Storage capabilities, create a storage account that has a hierarchical namespace.For step-by-step guidance, see Create a storage account.As you create the account, make sure to select the options described in this article....
Azure Virtual Machines—Linux 750 hours each of B1s, B2pts v2 (Arm-based), and B2ats v2 (AMD-based) burstable VMs Always Azure SQL Database 100,000 vCore seconds of SQL database serverless usage per month with 32 GB of storage 12 Months Azure Blob Storage 5 GB locally redundan...
Azure Azure Storage Azure Portal Create an Azure Storage account with the correct options for your business needs. Learning objectives In this module, you will: Decide how many storage accounts you need for your project Determine the appropriate settings for each storage account ...
如果未使用带密钥轮换的 Azure Key Vault,要为特定存储帐户重新生成存储访问密钥,请使用订阅信息运行以下命令: HTTP 复制 POST{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/{accountName}/regenerateKey?api...
Create an Azure account to get started with scalable and cost-efficient services for creating, deploying, and managing applications.
As of version 2015-04-05, Azure Storage supports creating a shared access signature (SAS) at the level of the storage account. Account SAS authorization is supported for the following Azure Storage services: Blob storage (including Data Lake Storage anddfsendpoints), Queue storage, Table storage...
As of version 2015-04-05, Azure Storage supports creating a shared access signature (SAS) at the level of the storage account. Account SAS authorization is supported for the following Azure Storage services: Blob storage (including Data Lake Storage anddfsendpoints), Queue storage, Table storage...
Create the storage account: root@rok-tools:~#az storage account create\>--resource-group${AZ_RESOURCE_GROUP?}\>--name${STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME?}\>--location${AZURE_DEFAULTS_LOCATION?}\>--kind StorageV2\>--tagssubscription_id=${SUBSCRIPTION_ID?}\>resource_group=${AZ_RESOURCE_GROUP?}\>aks...
The best of Microsoft: You get more for free when you sign in with your Microsoft account. Microsoft 365 apps Get access to free online versions of Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Learn more. 5 GB cloud storage Save your files and photos and access them from any dev...