Create a storage accountA storage account is an Azure Resource Manager resource. Resource Manager is the deployment and management service for Azure. For more information, see Azure Resource Manager overview.Every Resource Manager resource, including an Azure storage account, must belong to an Azure ...
New-AzStorageAccount -Name $StorageAccountName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Location DBELocal -SkuName Standard_LRS 備註 使用Azure Resource Manager,您只能建立本機儲存體帳戶,例如本地備援儲存體 (標準或進階)。 若要建立階層式儲存體帳戶,請參閱教學課程:使用 Azure Stack Edge Pro with GPU ...
public CloudStorageAccount storageAccount; 1. 6.在Main方法中添加如下内容,其中CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount是Azure存储服务本地模拟器的账户名 Program test = new Program(); test.storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount; test.TestBlob(); Console.ReadKey(); 1. 2. 3. ...
开始使用 Azure 返回“客户案例”部分 获取Azure 移动应用
Azure Blob Storage 5 GB locally redundant storage (LRS) hot block with 20,000 read and 10,000 write operations Always Azure Cosmos DB 1,000 request units per-second provisioned throughput with 25 GB storage Always Azure App Service 10 web, mobile, or API apps with 1 GB storage 1 ...
To use Data Lake Storage Gen2 capabilities, create a storage account that has a hierarchical namespace.For step-by-step guidance, see Create a storage account.As you create the account, make sure to select the options described in this article....
az ml online-endpoint delete --name $ENDPOINT_NAME --yes Azure CLI 複製 az storage account delete --name $STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME --yes 下一步 使用線上端點部署和評分機器學習模型。 如需部署的詳細資訊,請參閱安全推出線上端點。 如需使用 CLI 的詳細資訊...
就可以直接连接Azure China Storage Account 方法三:使用AzureStorageExplorer_For_CN 注意:Azure Storage Explorer默认情况下,是把该Container下的所有Blob都列出来,且不分页显示 如果Blob内容很多,就会出现卡死的情况 这个是我的同事根据CodePlex上开源的Azure Storage Explorer(
5.最后,我们也可以针对Resource Group下的某一个资源,增加Tag。比如我们针对上面的Storage Account,增加Tag 在同一个Azure Resource Group下的Azure资源,比如VM, Storage,SQL Database,他们的Tag可以是不同的。 举个例子,当我们有1个Resource Group作为生产环境,里面有IT部门管理的VM,也有Dev部门管理的Web App,还有...
share with both the SMB and NFS protocols, although you can create SMB and NFS file shares within the same storage account. For all file shares, Azure Files offers enterprise-grade file shares that can scale up to meet your storage needs and can be accessed concurrently by thousands of ...